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Pelosi Calls Grassroots "Ugly Campaign---un-American"

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----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 2:23 PM
Subject: Pelosi call grassroots "ugly campaign...un-American"
Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer just called the efforts of grassroots citizens opposing ObamaCare an "ugly campaign" that is "un-American."

In an op-ed published in USA Today recently, Pelosi and Hoyer continued the vicious attack campaign against citizens who have been volcal in their opposition of ObamaCare's government run, controlled and mandated healthcare plan.

The Speaker of the House has personally called you and me

out as... un-American!

Just as bad, many members of Congress are refusing to hold town hall meetings and some are refusing to meet face-to- face with constituents-instead holding more controllable "telephone town hall" meetings.

+ + Immediate Action Needed

The Left's strategy during the August recess is clear-demeantheir opposition and go into political hiding!

That's why Grassfire is launching a nationwide campaign to get YOUR message directly to your two Senators and Rep IN THEIR HOME STATE OFFICES. We want to tell every member of Congress that theseefforts to demean and hide from grassroots conservatives will not be tolerated.

We have re-directed our FaxFire to target all the the in-state and in-district offices of your three members of Congress.

Go here to send your faxes directly to your members of Congress right now:

This is the FIRST TIME Grassfire has focused our Fax efforts specifically on the in-state and in-district offices. But we felt we simply had to make sure that citizens like you gettheir message through.

After all...

Pelosi, Hoyer, Reid and even President Obama are doing their best to discredit our voice in the healthcare debate! They are calling you and me a "mob" that is "un-American."


Because the Left is losing the debate over government-run and mandated ObamaCare... so they have to resort to personal attacks. They must discredit our voice to win.

We cannot let that happen.

If your members of Congress are not holding town hall meetings, these faxes may be the best (or possibly only) way to get your message through to their offices!


Send your faxes here:

Again, we have re-engineered our FaxFire program to send your personalized faxes directly to your three Members of Congress in EACH AND EVERY one of their in-state and in-district offices.

The total number of faxes that will be sent on your behalf depends on how many offices your three members of Congress have. It could be a dozen or more faxes.

Thanks in advance for taking action! Alliance

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.