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New Allies Fighting for What YOU Want

Jim Babka

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August 7, 2009

Quote of the Day: "The high cost and inequitable character of our medical care system are the direct result of our steady movement toward reliance on third-party payment. A cure requires reversing course, re-privatizing medical care by eliminating most third-party payment, and restoring the role of insurance to providing protection against major medical catastrophes." -- Milton Friedman

Subject: New allies fighting for what you want

We've always worked with other groups, forming coalitions to protect your money and your rights. These groups have been as diverse as the ACLU and Focus on the Family. We've been able to do this because . . .

Partisan electoral politics divides, while a focus on specific issues unites.

People of many differing partisan and philosophical views can still find many issues on which they agree. When these agreements aim at Downsizing DC we try to make common cause.

A great example is the health care issue, where is joing with other groups to . . .

* Oppose bureaucratic control of your medical care

* Support reforms that will restore consumer driven health care

In fact, we're taking a leading role in "The Coalition for Consumer Centered Health Care." For starters, thanks to your support, we're both building and hosting the coalition website. It's still Under Construction, but you can see it at

The early coalition advisors and members include . . .

* David Swoap, former Deputy Secretary of Health and Human and Human Services under President Reagan

* Gun Owners of America

* The Center for Small Government

* The Abraham Lincoln Foundation for Public Policy Research

As work progresses you'll be seeing more organizations and prominent individuals join, as well as media efforts and campaigns to pressure Congress. This is another tool we can use to recruit new allies to fight for what you want.

And it's a tool we need. The health care takeover is the most dramatic increase in government's role in our lives in this young century. We must pull out all the stops.

We're hoping to complete and formally launch the new coalition website very soon, and to begin promoting it through Google advertising, or if significant funding permits, media outreach. We must cover our budget, but the more we raise, the more we can and will do, and the more effective the Downsize DC Army will be.

Odds are not yet in our favor. Our opponents are determined. But if the delays along with the desperation of the "reformers" is any indication, we're on the right track. We need to push harder, and in the right way -- a positive vision of consumer centered health care.  

We hope you can see the wisdom in taking these additional steps in this important battle, and that you will want to support these extra efforts. If so you can contribute using's secure contribution form.

Because we expect this issue to drag on through September and probably (hopefully) October, new and increased monthly pledges are also needed.

Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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