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Get Antibiotics Out of Our Meat

CREDO action

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 12:36 PM
Subject: Get antibiotics out of our meat.
Thanks for taking action.

Overuse of antibiotics in livestock is creating dangerous strains of resistant bacteria and making these drugs useless when people and animals really need them. Can you help get antibiotics out of our meat by getting some friends involved?

Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thanks for all you do.

--The CREDO Action Team

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

Subject: Get antibiotics out of our meat

Dear Friend,

The "superbugs" are here and they are in the supermarket meat aisle. According to the New York Times, scientists discovered MRSA, an antibiotic-resistant staph infection, in supermarket pork in Louisiana and Washington D.C. Meanwhile, a brand new strain of MRSA was found earlier this year in US pigs (and pig farmers), raising fears of even more virulent, possibly deadly, strains arising soon.

The cause of this explosion of superbugs in livestock is clear -- the routine administration of antibiotics to healthy animals in factory farms.

In response to this crisis, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has again introduced into the House of Representatives the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act. PAMTA would restrict the use of sub-therapeutic doses of entire classes of antibiotics in farm animals and has the support of public health officials and agricultural experts alike.

I just signed a petition to ask my representative to sign on to PAMTA and protect our antibiotics for medical use. I hope you will, too. Please have a look and take action.