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MAJOR OPPORTUNITY for U.S. Healthcare Freedom Activists!!

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From: CR
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2009 3:44 AM
Subject: MAJOR OPPORTUNITY for US Healthcare Freedom Activists!!
CDC H1N1 "Public Engagement Meetings": making sure that we are officially "spoken for" before they stick us and screw us!
Make your voice heard on a decision facing Americans about the H1N1 vaccine!

CDC H1N1 "Public Engagement Meetings":  making sure that we are officially "spoken for" before they stick us and screw us!

Make your voice heard on a decision facing Americans about the H1N1 vaccine!

 In July, the Secretary of Health and Human Services announced that the federal government expects to initiate a voluntary fall vaccination program against the 2009 H1N1 flu virus.  The CDC will help state and local health organizations develop the vaccination program and are working to decide what should be the scope of the program for vaccinating Americans against the novel H1N1 pandemic influenza virus. 

The CDC is asking for public discussion, deliberation and input as the agency considers whether to simply make vaccines available to those seeking immunization, to promote vaccination to those most at risk or to implement a widespread immunization program.  
Space is limited. Registration is required for participation and you must be able to attend the meeting for the entire day.
To REGISTER and for additional information pertaining to the regional public meetings please click on the following links:


Denver, Colorado, Saturday, August 8 - Registration for this public meeting has reached capacity and is now closed.
Lincoln, Nebraska, Saturday, August 8 - Registration for this public meeting has reached capacity and is now closed.
Additional meetings are being planned in the following cities. Please check back frequently for registration information.
Somerville, Massachusetts, Saturday, August 29
H1N1 Public Engagement WebDialogue
If you are unable to attend a meeting in person, you can make your voice heard through the H1N1 web dialogue at the end of August hosted by WestEd. Please check back for more information.