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Congress Runs/Hides from Citizen Outrage to OBAMACARE

Steve Elliott

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Following the massive grassroots citizen barrage of Capitol Hill which succeeded in slowing the rush to ObamaCare, citizens are now taking their outrage directly to Members of Congress.

As Members head home for their August recess, citizens are showing up in droves at town hall meetings and protesting ObamaCare.

At a recent meeting, Sen. Arlen Specter faced blunt opposition as he attempted to defend socialized healthcare. Things are getting so tense for members of Congress that at least one member of Congress has suspended town hall meetings because he "felt they would be pointless."

Go here to see the citizen confrontation with Sen. Specter:

+ + Action: Operation August Recess Blitz!

Grassfire is launching a grassroots Blitz to equip you to tell your members of Congress, while they are home on recess, precisely where you stand on ObamaCare and their government-run plan.

We are encouraging the Grassfire Nation to attend town hall meetings with members of Congress or schedule an appointmentat the office closest to you.

+ + Step One: Call Your Congressmen

We will be coordinating the information on events and appointments through our site. But first, we need your help to identify each and every town hall meeting taking place in your area:

    Call your Members of Congress and find out when they are

    holding town hall events this month:

+ + Step Two: Share Intel With Other Grassfire Team Members

When calling, be polite but persistent. We are hearing reports of other members of Congress who have conveniently not scheduled town hall meetings this month due to the pressure they are feeling. If your member of Congress does not have a town hall meeting,

then set up an "appointment."

Once you have identified your local town hall meetings or have set up an appointment, post that information for other Grassfire team members on your state’s ResistNet page. Go here to find your state group:

Here you can coordinate with other local citizens who will be having appointments or attending town hall meetings.

If you have not yet joined ResistNet go here:

+ + Step Three: Help Deliver Grassfire Petitions!

Finally, we want to have citizens like YOU hand-deliver Grassfire's petition opposing ObamaCare to members of Congress this month --  at these meetings in your area!

Grassfire will be making our petitions available for our team members to personally deliver to their members of Congress. But the first step is to identify these meetings and then coordinate through ResistNet.

So please...

Call your members of Congress and then share your intel on upcoming town hall meetings with our Grassfire team throughResistNet.

For more details on how to get involved, including an issue

backgrounder and talking points, go here:

Thank you for continuing to take a stand.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Ron De Jong and I recorded a special Grassfire Report discussing the latest on ObamaCare. Go here to listen:

P.P.S. This month's town hall meetings will build momentum toward a massive citizen protest in our nation’s capital next month against ObamaCare. The March is coming at a crucial time in this debate. If you haven’t made plans to join us at the Taxpayer March On DC, please go here today:

+ + + + +

How you can fight back against socialism every month. is committed to fighting the new Obama-led march toward socialism -- and you can help us fight back by scheduling a special monthly gift by credit card. To say thanks, we'll send you three special gifts. Go here to find out more:

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