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A Question to our President, Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court

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From: F
Sent: Saturday, August 01, 2009 2:49 AM
Subject: A question to our President, Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court
A question to our President, Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court:
The very word America has inspired people from all over the world to give up everything of their homeland and sacrifice all, just to get here. For centuries, America has been, and still should be a symbol of sacred principles of liberty - those of freedom and opportunity, government by the rule of law, to vote one’s conscious, to speak one’s mind, reward for hard work, freedom to seek an education, to gather information, the right to make one’s own choices about matters of faith, careers, where to live, how to care for oneself, to travel, to defend oneself and so much more.

Please tell me Mr. President, The United States Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, how the hell do you expect to preserve all of these sacred principles of freedom by creating laws and engaging in actions that violate the very principles you profess to be protecting?

The Patriot Act is an excellent starting point as to this issue. In effect, the Patriot Act (and associated laws and Executive Orders) has greatly restricted the rights associated to free speech, the rights of even having an attorney and to have confidential communications between oneself and his attorney that can not be used against a person in a court of law, the right not to be tortured, the rights against unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to a writ of Habeas Corpus, the right against military troops on our own soil to control the public - not to mention armed foreign thugs policing us with United Nations troops now patrolling portions of our nation and soon to be all of it, and so many more. All that has to happen for an individual to lose all these rights is the simple act of our ever-so-honorable government to label that individual, whether truthfully, mistakenly or with contrived deceit, a terrorist suspect.
At first it was bad enough that we used this "terrorist" label to deny these constitutional rights for any person, even a terrorist, for the laws that were already in play have been more than adequate in protecting the United States from terrorism for over 200 years. Even if the terrorist acts of the last 10-15 years in America were genuine (the big "if"), they admittedly happened because of failures of intelligence, not because the existing laws were inadequate. Funny how the failure of intelligence blatantly continues, as if intentional, for in this alleged time of a war on terror, your have as an official policy to leave the borders wide open, permitting access to America for anyone - well or ill intended.

Returning to the discussion above. It was bad enough to deny people of middle eastern descent their constitutional rights after 9-11, but now the federal government has flipped the coin and declared that average American citizens are terrorists so that the evils set in place by the Bush Jr.20Administration which were initially targeted at Muslims and Arabs, are now conveniently being pointed at us - patriotic Americans. You know, average Americans such as veterans, Americans against illegal immigration, those of us against abortion, pro-constitutionalists, people against illegal income taxes and the illegal federal reserve, those who are pro-gun rights, those against the armed United Nations thugs presently on our soil, preparing to strip us of our guns for the banking elites that have hated us from the days of America breaking away from being a British colony. Of course, it is the same banking elite who wanted to destroy and control us then who are doing it all over again right now.

If truth is a basis of this letter, then I must say that this domestic terrorist scenario has all been a rouge, as it was planned all along that Bush would engage in this post 9-11 stripping of our constitutional rights that was aimed initially at Arabs and Muslims. The ultimate objective was to set the table for stripping the constitutional rights of Americans and hand it all off to Obama to carve up the real dinner to come - the Judeo-Christian American middle class that are ultimately against your tyrannical New World Order agenda.

The Judeo-Christian middle class of all nations has been the real target of the elites for centuries. What we are seeing now is a culmination of the elites methodical re-grouping after the American industrialization periods, where the middle20class rose to power, creating the only real threat to the elites’ power in world history. The elites even created communism and fascism to do their bidding, too frightened to do their own, too cowardly stand up and be exposed as the tyrants behind all murderous philosophies and governments. Consider it fact that if the average middle class person were to find out the pure evils of the elites, their destruction of free energy technologies, concealment of medical cures and scientific facts, their medical experimentation on the innocent, their thievery in the world’s financial markets, child abuse and sacrifice, causing war after war for financial gain and power, these elites would not be long for this world. Considering the rise of the one and only medium of truth in the world with the internet, if the elites did not act to quickly destroy our freedoms and to terminate the immediate threat of the awakening middle class, they know that they would be harshly punished for their evils - plain and simple.
So Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of congress and the U.S. Supreme Court, I again might ask you the question of the day: "since America stands for the ideals of freedom, how do you plan to preserve those ideals for the future by violating them at every turn?" But if I asked that question, we would be focusing on the wrong bouncing ball, now wouldn’t we? Shouldn't’ I be asking you the real question at hand, "why do you have so little faith in God an d eternal justice that you believe you will not be held accountable for your treason and victimizing innocent people for your masters, the degenerate financial elites?

I must state, that even though one day in the near future, UN troops, with your blessings, may break down my door, take my guns, take me away from my family to a concentration camp that I will never make it to, eventually leaving me in a shallow grave with a bullet in my head, I do not loathe you nearly to the extent that I pity you. I know the freedom that comes with God’s love and with openness in my life, while it appears that the majority of you are slaves to deceit, vanity, greed and the mental illness of the power elite. In the end, you are slaves of Satan, and yet, you do not even realize the implications of your pitiful lives.
So, do your very worst, oh treasonous lot. It is obvious that you will not alter your course from the path of destruction as America is being destroyed from within and without. You plan to destroy as much goodness in this world that you can, all for a bunch of mentally-ill control-freaks who have never earned an honest dollar in their lives. It is your obvious objectives to protect these criminals as they rob our economy blind, continue the lies of their engineered wars for personal gains, poison our air, food and water, as well as poisoning us with vaccines in response to genetically engineered and man -made viruses, steal ou r guns so we can not protect ourselves and even try to deny us our natural right to freely worship Almighty God. Know this fact - you will not succeed in your efforts for your master, a pitiful creation pretending the role of Creator, has already lost. In the end we will all settle up - I promise you that comment to be truth.