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Votes in House on ObamaCare in next 24 hours

Steve Elliott, President

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+ + Grassfire Update


    A key House Committee will vote within the next

    24-36 hours on ObamaCare. Please see below.

                                    --Steve Elliott

Here's the dirty little secret of what's actually happening with ObamaCare right now on Capitol Hill...

    Obama and the Democrats have launched a classic

    political misdirection to diffuse grassroots opposition

    against their socialized healthcare plan while

    they iron out the details right under our noses!

It's the only explanation of why Obama, Reid and Pelosi areconceding that they will not get passage of ObamaCare before the August recess while at the same time pressing harder than ever for two key committees to finish their work immediately.

Since the final design of ObamaCare in Congress is being worked out in these committees, these votes are absolutely crucial.

    So their plan is clear: diffuse grassroots pressure by

    delaying the final vote while nailing down the dirty details

    of ObamaCare in the key House and Senate Committees!

That means we are still in the midst of a critical time.

+ + Action #1 Fax these two key Committees

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to vote in the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, six Senate Finance Committee members (the "Gang of Six") are feverishly working behind

closed doors to craft a so-called "compromise" that still puts the federal government at the epicenter of our healthcare system.

Our FaxFire system specifically targets these two committees so we can continue to get the message through loud and clear from grassroots citizens.

    Please go here right now to send your faxes opposing

    socialized health care to key members of this House

    committee along with the six Senate negotiators,

    your two Senators and Representative:

(As always, if you want to send your own faxes, we have provided the fax numbers and sample text for you. Just click here to access that information:

If you have already sent faxes, please forward this message to your friends and urge them to get involved.

+ + Action #2 -- Call your Representative and the "Senate Six"!

In addition, call your Congressman and tell him or her that Congress should CEASE AND DESIST its work on government-run healthcare until Members return home and hear from their constituents.

Or, call the House Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Also, call the Senate "Gang Of Six":

Max Baucus: 202-224-2651

Chuck Grassley: 202-224-3744

Kent Conrad: 202-224-2043

Jeff Bingaman: 202-224-5521

Olympia Snowe: 202-224-5344

Mike Enzi: 202--224-3424

Talking Points:

#1 -- The House and Senate and their committees should immediately

      CEASE work on the government-run healthcare plan and instead

      take time to listen to their constituents during the August


#2 -- I do not want the government to have more control and

      influence over my health care. That is why I reject House

      health care bill (H.R. 3200) and the soon-to-be-released

      Senate "compromise" plan that still creates a federal mandate.

#3 -- America cannot afford the $1 trillion price tag of socialized

      health care during these difficult economic times. I flatly

      reject any health care proposal that increases costs or

      imposes new taxes on any American.

Thank you for taking a stand!

Steve Elliott, President

+ + + + +

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