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House Vote On Health Care This Week; Pelosi Guarantees Passage

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have had enough with the health care debate -- they are pressing for a floor vote in the House THIS WEEK and Pelosi is guaranteeing passage:

    "When I take this bill to the floor, it will win," Pelosi said.

Obama and Pelosi are so desperate to rush the bill through that they are threatening to bypass the Energy and Commerce Committee where a group of Democrats are still raising objections.

In short, Obama and Pelosi are determined to pass socialized ObamaCare BEFORE their August recess because opposition is mounting and they are losing momentum!

+ + House Floor Vote this week!

This new fast-track strategy unfolded shortly after Obama's bulldog Rahm Emanuel met with Democratic leaders and undoubtedly issued the marching orders for the House to pass the bill this week.

But we still have two chances to defeat ObamaCare in the House -- first in the Energy and Commerce Committee and then when they bring this monstrosity of a bill to the floor for a vote.

+ + Action #1 -- Fax Key House Members And Say

                   "No" To ObamaCare

The Energy and Commerce Committee is taking up the bill TODAY. We have focused our FaxFire on this Committee and other key Democrats.

    Even if you have done so already, please

    go here right now to send your faxes opposing

    socialized health care to key members of this House

    committee along with your two Senators and


(As always, if you want to send your own faxes, we have provided the fax numbers and sample text for you. Just click here to access that information:

+ + Action #2 -- Call your Representative today!

Your Member of Congress will likely cast a vote this week on socialized ObamaCare. Call today and make sure your voice is heard:

Or, call the House Switchboard: 202-221-3121

You can also call members of the Energy and Commerce Committee and express your opinion:

Talking Points:

#1 -- I am outraged that the House is fast-tracking the President's

      socialized healthcare plan this week.

#2 -- I do not want the government to have more control and

      influence over my health care. That is why I reject House

      health care bill (H.R. 3200).

#3 --American cannot afford the $1.5 trillion price tag of

     socialized health care during these difficult economic times.

     I flatly reject any health care proposal that increases costs

     or imposes new taxes on any American.

Again, Obama and Pelosi are desperate to get their socialized health care plan passed -- so much so that they are even threatening to bypass the objections of fellow Democrats!

Please... schedule your faxes right now:

And please alert your friends. Thanks for taking action.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Obama and Pelosi realize they are losing momentum and support for their oppressive socialized health care plan. That's why they are trying to fast-track a vote this week in the House. They will win unless we take a stand. Go here:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

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