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Obama Back-Room Deal for Socialized Healthcare !

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

    Tonight Barack Obama goes on national TV to push

    his socialized ObamaCare at a crucial moment in this

    debate. Your immediate action is needed. See below.

Yesterday Barack Obama launched his full court press to get his socialized ObamaCare passed before the August recess.

First, like an angry "father", he took Democrat Blue Dogs to the woodshed at a White House closed-door meeting. To no one's surprise, they emerged over two hours later having "struck a deal" behind closed doors that is even WORSE…

    The new "deal" would give an outside panel even more

    power and control over tough healthcare cost decisions --

    allowing Congress and the President to "pass the buck"

    when healthcare costs skyrocket and rationing is enforced!

I am outraged that members of Congress are putting politics ahead of the needs of this country -- and then passing the buck to an outside panel!

But this fight is far from over. Bloggers are reporting that many of the Blue Dogs are still resisting ObamaCare, its $1 trillion price tag, the so-called "public option" that destroys private sector health insurance and the oppressive mandate on small business with as few as nine employees.


Obama is conducting a national press conference to push his case for ObamaCare AND the key vote in the House Energy and Commerce Committee remains in doubt!

We here are today's action items:

+ + Action #1 -- Fax Key House Members And Say

                 "No" To ObamaCare

Several Democrats got taken to Obama's woodshed yesterday.  Today, let's let them hear from the American people!

    Even if you have done so already, please

    go here right now to send your faxes opposing

    socialized health care to key members of this House

    committee along with your two Senators and


(As always, if you want to send your own faxes, we have provided the fax numbers and sample text for you. Just click the link above.)

+ + Action #2 -- Call the White House Today and Tonight

Obama is ramping up the pressure to get his socialized ObamaCare passed. Tonight, he will use the media to get his message out through a nationally televised press conference.

Let's flood the White House with calls ALL DAY TODAY and tonight during the press conference opposing ObamaCare!

White House Switchboard: 202-456-1414

White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111

Also, call your Representative today and tell him or heryou oppose socialized ObamaCare:

Talking Points:

#1 -- I oppose the President's socialized healthcare plan.

#2 -- I do not want the government to have more control and

         influence over my health care. That is why I reject

         the so-called "public option" which is really

         socialized health care and will destroy private options.

#3 -- American's cannot afford the $1.5 trillion price tag of

        socialized health care during these difficult economic times.

        I flatly reject any health care proposal that increases

        costs or imposes new taxes on any American.

Please... schedule your faxes right now:

Then, call the White House today and tonight during the 8pm EST press conference.

Obama knows his socialized ObamaCare plan is in trouble. That's why he took key Dems to the woodshed yesterday. That's why he is going on national TV tonight.

And that's why we must press on in this fight!

Thank you for taking a stand.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Today, over 220,000 Grassfire petitions are being delivered to the House Energy and Commerce Committee to help counter the intense pressure that is coming from the White House and liberal groups. Your faxes and phone calls will also help counter Obama's push.

+ + + + +

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