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  Date: Tuesday, 21-Jul-2009 12:36:18

        E-mail from the Trustee:
        I would like to take a few moments to address some questions and comments that have recently been posted here on RMNews.
        There have been numerous attacks on those posters that have been dubbed “messengers” by the readers of RMNews who most generously share their insights and perspectives with us on a regular basis concerning issues that have the potential of affecting literally every being on earth.
        A common complaint is the inability of the readers to verify the messages. How do you expect to verify this information? Do any of you readers have the wherewithal to reach out to your contacts in China, the Vatican, the Pentagon or god only knows where this info trickles down to us from to verify anything? I think not. If Casper would publish the names and numbers of his contacts so that we can all verify the info, do you think this source would continue to provide information? I ask the readers, what evidence would it take to convince you of the validity of any post? That which might convince you may not convince a 1000 others demanding proof. So, what is the poster to do? Would you feel better if he/she/they spent weeks or months attempting to convince the masses that his information is valid? You ask these posters whom you the readers have dubbed ‘messengers’ to accomplish the impossible, for you will never be convinced until all is said and done and the end result provides the evidence for you. By then, will it matter? It certainly won’t matter to these ‘messengers’ for their jobs will be done.
        The problem today is that everyone wants indisputable evidence and guarantees that your dreams will come true. Let’s face it, the readers here regularly tell everyone that there are no programs, no funds; that it is all a pipe dream. Those who demand proof simply want and need affirmations that your dreams are still alive and well. You must find this evidence for yourself for you create your own future. You create your own dreams and you cannot, with any amount of effort, divert your responsibility for your own future, your own dreams upon the shoulders of others.
        I regularly see readers who post that they, once again, have placed their life on hold; that they are waiting, waiting, waiting for this wonderful loving, compassionate and prosperous future to simply appear with no effort on their part. Where do any of you readers get the impression that someone else is responsible for creating your future? Oh yes, that’s right. Your god is going to make a huge deposit into your account via one mighty lightening bolt; Oh yes and that new home and car? Yes they will arrive via lightening bolt as well. We must simply sit here and wait, wait, wait and hold our breath, and wine and cry and condemn the 'messenger' for creating you illusion for you.
        Well, let me tell you that your loving, compassionate and prosperous future is waiting, waiting, waiting just like you! You have not only placed your present life on hold, but your future as well.
        Creation and/or co-creation of anything takes action, movement, intent and faith, in yourself and in your god, whomever that may be. Oh yes, you cannot accept the I AM of yourself, for you still can’t accept that you, the I AM, can co-create anything. If you believed and accepted who you are you would know that co-creation is done with effort, expenditure of energy, from BOTH parties of the co-creation. Your god cannot create that winning lottery ticket for you if you refuse to play the game. So, get off of the couch and get moving. Find your own truth. Take what the ‘messengers’ post for what they are, the insights and perceptions of the poster.
        It is generally those readers who have placed their lives on hold, thereby effectively sabotaging their own lives, that spew out negativity and fear and/ or exert extensive energy in attacking these ‘messengers’, burning bread on our efforts, rather than using the magic of positive energy to re-create/ co-create a wonderful new future for yourself.
        We all know that if 3 people witness an event and then relay what they witnessed, we are going to get at least 2 and most likely 3 different versions of the event. Why? Because of perspective. You know, is the glass ½ full or ½ empty? Every ones perspective is tainted by our belief system and our point of view. Yours, mine, Casper and Poof included, for we are all just fallible living beings.
        The truth be known, what we are witnessing is a simple matter of the pendulum of life has crested its mighty swing, having completed its natural cycle and now, as nature would have it, it has reversed its direction of swing and is now crashing back upon the path whence it came destroying all in its path and making room for the new.
        Well, if one’s perspective comes from in front of the pendulum, in the middle of the path of destruction, then the glass certainly appears to be ½ empty and life is a scary place indeed. But, if one’s perspective comes from the vacuum of re-creation which follows in the wake of destruction then the glass might appear to be ½ full and life a wonderful adventure. Are the two not witnessing the same event?
        From where does your prospective come?
        For me, the events of the day are extremely encouraging for I see the re-creation and the rise of the republic. I see, feel and smell freedom and a loving, compassionate and prosperous future for all of us, in spite of all of the negativity and fear.
        I applaud Casper, Poof, Whistleblower and any/all of those soldiers whom the readers have dubbed ‘messengers’ for their faith and courage; for their continued exertion of positive energy and ACTION in the co-creation of a wonderful future for all mankind! I do not see their messages as the Gospel according to Casper, or the Book of Poof! They are what they are, the insights and perspectives of the poster, tainted as they may be by their own belief systems and their own perspectives, but valuable none the less!
        Let us all work together in this co-creation process. If it seems there is nothing you can do to help, then simply send positive and loving energy to those warriors who are out there doing it, for there is no more powerful thing you can do to help.
        Blessings from the Trustee