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ObamaCare Showdown Underway as "Uprising" Builds

Steve Elljiott, President,

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

    Your efforts are helping to ignite an "uprising" against

    ObamaCare and key votes cold take place in the next

    48 hours. See below.  --Steve

Last Friday I informed you that Rep. Mike Ross and a handful of Democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee were resisting the Obama-led push to massive socialized healthcare.

Thousands of Grassfire team members responded by sending faxes and phone calls to the Committee and our efforts are working. Last Friday, seven Democrats broke ranks with Obama-Pelosi and voted with Republicans on one key vote.

As a result, the Washington Post is calling what is happening in this committee an "uprising" by moderate Democrats againstsocialized ObamaCare. But there are many more key votes to come this week.

Our contacts tell us these key votes in the Energy and Commerce Committee will continue for at least the next 48 hours --  perhaps all week.

We can defeat or greatly damage ObamaCare if we take action right now:

    Please go here right now to send your faxes opposing

    socialized health care to key members of this House

    committee along with your two Senators and


As always, you can send your own faxes. We have provided all the information you need at the above link. Either way --  PLEASE SEND FAXES OF PROTEST TODAY!

+ + Far Left Pressuring Ross And Blue Dogs

The Far Left is now turning its political guns on Ross and the Blue Dogs on the Committee. Daily Kos says Ross and the Blue Dogs have "sold their souls." And is attacking them on its main page.

 ObamaCare has already sailed through two House Committees. This is our last, best chance to defeat or cripple ObamaCarein the House.

Please send your faxes:

Then, alert your friends by forwarding this message to them. Thanks again for all you are doing.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Rep. Ross is claiming he has the votes to "stop" ObamaCare in its tracks -- but the Left is now on the attack. Please take a stand.

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