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URGENT Correction!

Jim Babka - President DownsizeDC

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Quote of the Day: "If every member pledged to not vote for it (the health care bill) if they hadn’t read it in its entirety, I think we would have very few votes." -- Senator Steny Hoyer, House Majority Leader

Subject: URGENT correction

Yesterday we told you it appeared unlikely Congress would pass a health care bill before the August recess. Things have changed in the last 24 hours. Congressional leaders are once again pressing to rush the bill through.

This is very dangerous. We must resist this with everything we've got. Not only will it be bad for the government to expand its involvement in health care, RUSHING to do so will be even worse.

If they pass a bill containing nearly 1,000 pages you can be sure that almost no one voting for it will really understand it.

Please hit Congress again. Use's health care campaign to send your message.

This time use your personal comments to tell your Congressional employees that you object to rushing through such an important and complicated bill. Tell them you expect them to read and understand every single word of the bill BEFORE they vote.

It doesn't matter if you've sent recent messages on this issue. Send another one. Say something different this time.

We must keep opposing these proposals until they're defeated, or we'll regret it for the rest of our SHORTENED lives.

Thank you.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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