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The Response Was Great

Jim Babka

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Quote of the Day: "Today, the animating principles of the American idea are entirely absent from public discourse. To the new Administration, American exceptionalism means an exceptional effort to harness an exceptionally big government in the cause of exceptionally massive spending. The can-do spirit means ... A high-school student in Dillon, South Carolina (writing) to the President to ask him to do something about the peeling paint in her classroom. He read the letter out approvingly in a televised address to Congress. Imagine if ... the national bureaucracy in Washington becomes responsible for grade- school paint jobs from Maine to Hawaii. What size of government would be required for such a project? And is it compatible with a constitutional republic?" -- Mark Steyn

Subject: The FEC brief, our accelerating growth, and the latest insanity from the politicians

We got a fabulous response to our funding request for a Supreme Court brief about the campaign finance laws. We're writing a check to our attorneys, and work will begin. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In other good news...

We're growing so fast that we feel compelled to share the latest numbers with you in the main body of the Dispatch, instead of in the Keeping Score section below my signature, as we usually do. Look at these numbers...

* 703 new people have already registered to use our Educate the Powerful System in the first 12 days of July, as compared to 610 during the entire month of June. We're not even half-way through the month and we've already exceeded last month by 93 new registrants!

* The Downsize DC Army now stands at 26,734 members (remember, Members = Subscribers)

* This means we've grown by 209 net new members just since last Wednesday

* This brings us to 2,378 net new members for the year

* Best of all, we're now 73% of the way between 26,000 and 27,000!

* This means our growth has surged to 73% of the next increment of 1,000 in just 14 days, whereas...

* It took us 176 days to grow from 24,000 to 25,000, and 58 days to grow from 25,000 to 26,000 is accelerating! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our members, new and old, for making this progress possible. Now, there's work to be done . . .

The politicians are admitting that the monstrous stimulus package they passed isn't doing much for the economy. So when something doesn't work, what do politicians propose? MORE OF THE SAME! Perhaps you've heard the news. The Obama administration and some in Congress as talking about passing another so-called stimulus package.

Normally we don't do naming calling, or use pejorative labels, but this really is insane. In response, I've fired off a message to my elected representatives using our generic "cut spending" campaign.

Here's what I told them in my personal comments . . .

"The idea of another stimulus package is completely irresponsible. The first one wasn't a good idea either, but doing another one because the first one isn't working is completely insane. Of course government spending doesn't stimulate the economy. It just robs the efficient private sector to waste money on inefficient government programs. That makes the economy worse, not better. Please cut government spending instead. THAT would stimulate the economy."

You can copy what I did, or you might mention something about piling a new stimulus package on top of ...

* The cap and trade scheme

* All the Big Government health care programs the politicians want

* The unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare

Any sober person should surely be able to see that this orgy of deficit spending is a recipe for disaster.

To exceed the 43,290 letters we sent last month we need to send at least 1,858 messages today. You can send your message at's "cut spending" campaign.

If you want to keep the Downsize DC Army growing you might also want to make use of our quick and easy instructions for personalized recruiting.

And you can help let the world know that the Downsize DC Army is coming by "Digging" this Dispatch at our blog.

Thank you for being a part of the RAPIDLY growing Downsize DC Army.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

is the official email list of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

Normally published 3 - 6 times per week.

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