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Grassroots Pressure Cools Climate Tax

Steve Elliot, President, Grassfire

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Due to overwhelming grassroots pressure, the Senate is holding off on consideration of the "Cap and Trade" tax until after the August recess.

This is incredible news, Patrick because it shows that our voices are resonating in Washington and making a difference. Just weeks ago, emboldened lawmakers boasted that this massive energy bill would sail through Congress...

    But that was before they were buried beneath a sea of

    faxes, phone calls and other contacts from Grassfire

    team members alone. In fact, we estimate more than

    500,000 citizen contacts were made on Capitol Hill!

    Every fax, every call angrily opposed the bill that would

    levy huge annual taxes on citizens--many of whom are out

    of work and struggling just to put food on their family's


++ Grassroots Wins Round One

According to The Hill, Rep. Barbara Boxer said she is "not a bit" worried by the decision to hold off on the bill and fully expects the Senate to complete and vote on the bill this year.

But Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) feels differently, and points to blistering political opposition as the chief reason why the climate bill has suddenly cooled. "There is no question

that the American public flatly rejected the House ramming through legislation that would have devastating impacts on American consumers."

Inhofe also sent a message to grassroots Americans like you, who have been working tirelessly expressing outrage to lawmakers and rallying friends and family to take action against this bill as well. He said, we should "expect more arm-twisting and backroom deals--or, in other words more business as usual in Washington."

So while the American people may have won round one in the "Great Global Climate Tax Scheme," Inhofe's words should be a cautionary tale to all not to become complacent over these next days and weeks ahead.

 You have my word that Grassfire will have its ear to the political tracks listening for and providing you with the latest information on the climate bill.

++ Be Encouraged. Be Vigilant!

This Administration that championed the idea of being open, honest and transparent with the American people cannot be trusted. In just a few months time, Obama and his cohorts have shown that they must be watched, and watched closely because they flourish in the shadows.

While we should relish this great victory, we must prepare for what will almost certainly be a more aggressive push in the near future.

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. One of the brest ways to stay on top of this and other critical issues facing our nation and impacting you and your family is by joining Grassfire's Registration is free, so take a moment and register now by clicking below:

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