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We Can Stop CAP-AND-TRADE in the Sendate

John Tate

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From: john.f.tate@

Subject: We Can Stop Cap-and-Trade in the Senate!

July 8, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

When House leadership decided to rush through an over-1200 page Cap-and-Trade bill, your actions turned Cap-and-Trade from one of the administration's highest priorities into an issue that barely managed to pass the House of Representatives.

By a final vote of 219-212 (with eight Republicans switching sides to support the legislation), HR 2454 was sent to the Senate, where it could come up for debate and a vote at any time.  But sources confirm Cap-and-Trade (which really should be called Tax-Kill-Jobs-and-Liberty-and-Trade), is in deep trouble in the Senate.

If you will keep the pressure up against this oondoggle, the Senate may not even vote on it before their August recess.  (Click here to sign the petition to your senators insisting they cast every vote against Cap-and-Trade.)

With this legislation, the Obama administration is once again delivering its version of change -- change for the worse.

Change will come to your energy bills, as estimates place the eventual increase in annual fees in the thousands of dollars for the average American family.

Change will come to the way business is done, as even more of them decide to escape further regulation by moving overseas.

Change will come to individuals and families struggling during ths latest economic crisis, as the additional costs of doing business force companies to lay off more workers while the price of heating and cooling a home skyrockets.  The working poor and young families will be especially hard hit by this regressive, hidden tax hike.

Barack Obama has estimated the costs of this legislation to American taxpayers to be over 650 BILLION dollars over the next eight years, and that figure is no doubt just a fraction of the real cost.

Coming off the heels of a razor-thin vote in the House, and with outrage over spending increasing every day across the country, many Senators are already very nervous about supporting a bill creating so much controversy.

Thanks to your efforts, the administration and Senate leadership are facing an enormous hurdle. By continuing to keep up the pressure, we can stop the Cap-and-Tax threat and prevent the federal government from further crippling our economyand eroding our standard of living.

Click here to sign our online petition and urge your senators to stand up for their constituents by opposing this latest big government scheme.

And after you sign your petition, visit our Cap-and-Trade action page for information to call, write, and fax your Senator.  Our action page also lists how your representative voted, and gives a sample letter to send him to either thank him for his opposition, or to express your disappointment and ask him to vote against similar leislation in the future.

With little time to take action, we very nearly defeated Cap-and-Trade in the House. Together, we can stop it in the Senate!

In Liberty, John Tate


P.S. Your senators need to hear from you! Sign our online petition and make it clear where you stand!