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Bang The Drum for Single Payer Health Care and Don't Stop

The Pen

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They told us just elect more Democrats and we could have real policy  change. Well, now we have 60 Democratic senators. So what's the  excuse now why we can't have the single payer health care we all  want, the most economical and efficient, and the ONLY real reform  worth talking about?

Thank you for helping congressional candidate Marcy Winograd put over  100 single-payer commercials promoting HR 676, the single payer  solution on CNN and MSNBC, including Olbermann and Maddow, during  prime-time. With your support, Winograd was able to reach hundreds of  thousands of viewers who watched Winograd challenge her opponent,  Jane Harman, to sign on to Congressman Conyers's bill for single-payer. Now, voters in the 36th District (West Los Angeles to  San Pedro) know the have an option to the member of Congress who is  NOT serving them now.

Bang The Drum For Single Payer Lapel Pins:

That is the key, and that is why Marcy is a model of what ALL strong  progressives should be doing. Building campaigns NOW to replace  members of Congress who will not listen.

Help Marcy Winograd target even more viewers in her district with an  ad that is resonating around the country, building a movement for  single-payer. Donate to her next 100 commercials and get a first  edition "Bang the Drum for Single-Payer Winograd for Congress" pin.  See the exclusive pin here, together with the actual TV spot Marcy is  running at the link above:

Marcy Winograd is a leader in the single-payer movement, blogging on  Huffington Post, PDA, and OpEd News with her article: Single-Payers  Crashing the Gates and her demand that congressional committee chairs  order a financial analysis of single-payer. Thanks to Marcy Winograd  and other single-payers who pressured Congressman Waxman's office,  the congressman held hearings on single payer.

Contribute today to Winograd for Congress 2010, sport a new Bang the  Drum for Single-Payer pin, and help Winograd broadcast the next 100  commercials into the Port of Los Angeles, where many suffer from  asthma and other respiratory ailment without health insurance  coverage. Together, we can make the case for real reform now.

And whether you can make a contribution or not, please make a point  AGAIN of submitting her action page on HR 676, which will send a  message to your OWN members of Congress, no matter what district you  are in.

Single Payer Action Page:

And yes, you can also respond to this action through the new Twitter  gateway. Just send the following Twitter reply, and add any personal  comment you like.

@cxs #p995

And if you want a step by step explanation of how to set up the  Twitter thing here is the link for that.

Twitter Activism Step-By-Step:

Paid for by Winograd for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed  to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

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