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H1N1 BIOWAR -- Key Journalist Fired --
Captain Eric H. May - Intelligence Editor The Lone Star Iconoclast
From: captainmay@prodigy.net
To: Ghost Troop
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 5:14 AM
Subject: H1N1 BIOWAR -- Key Journalist Fired
July 7, 2009
In a move sure to corroborate the worst fears of many biowarfare watchers, Renewable Energy World website on Monday fired Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister, who has recently leveled charges against top figures in the world political elite for conspiring to wage biowarfare against humanity in order to reduce undesired population and implement martial law.
"Because there is reason to believe this decision was related to my filing charges alleging bioterrorism against the people of the USA and the rest of the world, and because I am entitled as a citizen to report a crime if there is credible evidence, I intend to file a lawsuit... for unfair dismissal," Burgermeister wrote in her blog today: http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2009/07/01/about-my-being-fired-yesterday/
The Iconoclast has been keeping tabs on biowar since 2005, when a Bush administration flush with "political capital" seemed to use it all in response to various disasters:
-- The July 28 BP refinery explosion in Texas City, Texas created an apocalyptic fireball -- suppressed by media -- at the end of July.
-- At the end of August Katrina pounced on New Orleans, where the Fed's tried to impose martial law with mercenary helpers, confiscating guns, blockading relief supplies and clamping down on journalists.
-- Through September and August the Bushmen tried to handle freak superstorms Rita and Wilma, and turn the Pakistani quake to some advantage.
When all that was over, the Bush administration pulled its next disaster out of its 10 gallon hat: H1N5, the bird flu. They gave loud assurances that one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, pestilence, would soon be arriving. That this big pandemic flu rollout press conference was scheduled for November 1 at 10:10 AM wasn't covered in the news, but it should have been, since the date/time code was 11111.
Call me suspicious, but I never like it when my leaders encrypt messages about world pandemic behind my back. When they do so, they remind me of government traitors in the dystopian movie, V for Vendetta, in which the leaders have risen to power and imposed martial law after the chaos and panic of a bioterror attack -- that they themselves carried out.
Incidentally, back in 2005, freshman senator Barack Obama played a big role in preparing a master plan for how to handle the flu -- and then us, who will doubtless require paternal direction to get through the crisis. I guess we really are lucky to have this key pandemic player in the White House now, and note with amazement that the swine flu, H1N1, broke out in Mexico just as he visited Mexico City. The odds against all that happening are a zillion to one. All this gives us much to think about, doesn't it?
For more on Ms. Burgermeister's earlier claims, please refer to my H1N1 BIOWAR of 6/29/09: http://www.ednews.org/articles/h1n1-biowar.html
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Captain May, a disabled veteran, spent five years conducting Opposing Forces (OPFOR) exercises. His army qualifications include military intelligence; public affairs; and nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. He has been an NBC editorialist, and his essays have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine. His articles and interviews are at: http://www.spiritone.com/~ghosttroop/Captain_Eric_H_May.html