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Appeal Filed in Obama Eligibility Cas


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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 1:45 PM
Subject: Appeal Filed in Obama Eligibility Case
There are lawsuits raging all over the country challenging Barack Obama to prove he is a "natural born citizen" as required by the Constitution. The most high-profile of these cases has been prepared and argued by WND's friends at the United States Justice Foundation, a public interest law firm with high principles.

People are always asking me what they can do to further the eligibility issue. The answer? Support the groundbreaking and relentless work of the USJF!

Below, please find an important update from their Executive Director, Gary Kreep.

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


From The Desk Of Gary G. Kreep

We are in court, AGAIN, demanding that Barack Obama PROVE that he is a natural-born citizen...


Don't let Barack Hussein Obama laugh off the requirement of the United States Constitution that he must be a natural-born citizen to serve as President -- help us make him PROVE whether he is eligible or not!

The U.S. Constitution states, in Article II, Section 1: "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

That's pretty plain language. In order to qualify to be President of the United States, a person MUST be a natural-born citizen!

Seems simple enough. If someone is running for President, and there's any question about whether he or she is qualified under Article II, Section 1, it would be easy enough to prove:

Just show your birth certificate.

You know: that simple document that lists your birth date, the hospital where you were born, the doctor that delivered you, your parents' names... your birth certificate.

Everyone who's ever had to get a driver's license, or travel outside of the U.S., or gain entrance to a school -- we all understand the simple rules: if you don't produce your birth certificate, you don't get in.

The same rules should apply to "getting in" to the White House, as the Commander-In-Chief of our great country, shouldn't they? If you're questioned about your qualifications, just show your birth certificate.

But that's EXACTLY what Barack Obama WILL NOT DO! We cannot let him get away with this -- but we need YOUR help to stop him!

Barack Obama could simply put the issue to rest, right now, by releasing his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. But he WON'T! HE REFUSES TO DO SO! Instead, he has had teams of attorneys all over the country, fighting "tooth and nail" to thwart the efforts of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF), and our allies in a number of states to compel him to produce an ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE and to prove that he is Constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States!

Recently, in California, just like in every lawsuit filed over this issue, the Obama team of attorneys, working with liberal allies in the California Attorney General's Office, convinced a Sacramento County Superior Court judge to dismiss USJF's suit to force the truth to come out about whether Barack Obama is a "natural born" citizen, and, therefore, eligible to serve as President of the United States. They thought that would be the end of it.

BUT IT'S NOT -- WE'RE NOT GIVING UP. Our clients in this case, including 2008 candidate for President of the United States, Alan Keyes, gave USJF the go ahead to file an appeal of this decision -- and that's exactly what we have done. Click here to read the actual court conformed copy of our Notice of Appeal in the case of Keyes, Drake, and Robinson v. Bowen, Obama, Biden, et al.

We keep getting hit by the seemingly limitless resources of the Obama legal team -- but we keep getting back up and challenging them again, and again,...

... because truth is on our side.

You see, they know "the system," and they think they can exploit it to make us (and that nasty old U. S. Constitution) go away -- but we know the system too, and they're finding out that WE aren't going ANYWHERE, ... we just keep coming back and hitting them with the TRUTH, over, and over, and over again!

AND, WE'RE STARTING TO HAVE A REAL EFFECT WITH THIS ISSUE -- but we can't keep up the fight without YOUR help!

How are we having an effect?

  • We're having an effect in the COURTS OF JUSTICE. As you can see from our latest filing, we are appealing the outrageous ruling of a California Judge, basically stating that anyone can run for President of the United States on the California ballot, whether or not they are eligible under the Constitution of the United States. In that ruling, Judge Michael P. Kenny wrote, "Secretary of State Debra Bowen contends that there is no basis for mandamus relief because the Secretary of State has no 'ministerial duty' to demand detailed proof of citizenship from presidential candidates... The court finds this argument persuasive."

    Do YOU find that argument -- that the government official charged with the responsibility of qualifying candidates to be on the ballot, doesn't have to actually demand proof of those qualifications -- "persuasive"? Neither do we, especially since previous California Secretaries of State have exercised their election authority and have rejected candidates who did not qualify-in fact, they've successfully fought that issue all the way up to the United States Supreme Court -- so we're taking it to the next level on appeal!

  • We're having an effect in the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION. A new scientific public opinion survey of a cross-section of the public, conducted by WorldNet Daily and Wenzel Strategies, shows that the American people are not only aware of questions about Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for office; almost HALF are either "troubled" by the questions or believe that he should release all relevant documents including his long-form birth certificate.

    Asked if they are aware of the questions raised about Mr. Obama's constitutional eligibility for office, 51.3 percent answered affirmatively, while only 18.7 percent said no! That means our efforts at alerting Americans to the FACTS about Obama's lack of proof of citizenship are paying off, with over half of Americans saying they've heard about it, and over two-fifths of Americans saying that Barack Obama should release his birth certificate!

  • We're having an effect on White House spokesmen themselves. Once again, the question was asked at a recent White House press briefing, "Why can't the President respond... by releasing a certified copy of his long-form birth certificate?"

    How did Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs respond? By laughing... and lying. Click here to see for yourself -- Gibbs chuckles at the question, and then responds by saying that "the President's birth certificate... is on the Internet."

    IT'S NOT. All they've put online is a "certification of live birth" (COLB), which the State of Hawaii doesn't even accept as valid proof of actual birth in Hawaii! In fact, several experts have declared that the posted document, which doesn't even list the hospital of birth OR the attending physician, is a fake!

    Barack Obama's very own Press Secretary has to avoid answering direct questions about this issue by laughing and lying, because he knows they can't produce that birth certificate!

A number of apologists for Barack Obama have gone to great lengths to belittle USJF and our allies in the fight to preserve our Constitution. However, the questions that they cannot answer are:

If Barack Hussein Obama has nothing to hide, WHY doesn't he just make his real birth certificate public? WHY has he spent a reported $800,000.00 in attorney fees to fight efforts to obtain his ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE? The more that he fights these efforts to see it, the more that you have to wonder, WHY?

The Obama supporters want everyone to believe that only "fringies," the people that they now call "birthers," in other words, only people that they claim are outside of the main stream of thinking, question whether Mr. Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States. But the truth of the matter is that more and more people, including many federal, state, and local elected officials, AND many in the military, are questioning whether Barack Hussein Obama is a "natural born citizen," a requirement for him to serve as U. S. President.

The citizens of the United States have the right to know if Barack Obama is eligible to serve as President! And we here at the United States Justice Foundation are going to take our lawsuit all the way up to the United States Supreme Court, if that is what is necessary, to find out the answer to this critical question.

This fight to discover the truth will be neither easy nor inexpensive, but isn't protecting the Constitution worth it? And that is exactly what this legal battle is all about: PROTECTING THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!

Barack Obama wants you to ignore what he is doing, he wants you to ignore the U.S. Constitution, he wants you to think that the parts of the Constitution that he does not agree with (like the requirements to serve as President) are unimportant.

In effect, he wants to destroy the U. S. Constitution and reshape it into his own image of what he wants it to be.


We MUST learn the truth about whether Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen!"

But to blunt our efforts to learn the truth, the Sacramento County Superior Court Judge also blocked our subpoena for the college records of Mr. Obama! These vital records could have proven whether Barack Hussein Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States, or whether he is a USURPER -- a FRAUD -- sitting in the oval office without any legal authority to do so!

USJF had subpoenaed the records of Barack Hussein Obama from Occidental College in California, but, at the recent hearing, the Court, blocked USJF from obtaining those critical records.

What is in those records? We don't know. But the Obama legal team pulled out all of the stops to block the subpoena, so we believe that there is something in those records that bears on the critical issue of whether Barack Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States.


It is not an overstatement to say that what you do after reading this e-mail may very well determine the fate of the United States of America! If Barack Obama is not eligible to serve as President of this great country, we have on our hands one of the greatest constitutional crises in the history of the United States of America!

Please know that we are not saying that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States of America. The problem is -- we just don't know!

We DO know that Barack Obama's paternal step-grandmother has proclaimed that she was present at his birth in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya, in Africa!

We DO know that a fake birth certificate was put up on the Obama website!

We DO know that Mr. Obama's legal team is doing everything that it can, in every case filed over this issue, to make sure that no one has access to his birth certificate.

We DO know that Mr. Obama's legal team is doing everything that it can, in our California case, to make sure that no one has access to his college records.


The voters of the United States of America have the right to know whether Barack Obama is a "natural born citizen," as REQUIRED by the U. S. Constitution!

It's a question that MUST be answered!

Why? Because, if an unqualified person was elected to the Office of President of the United States, our entire form of government could be compromised!


Because, if Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States, each and every act that he takes as President will be null and void! That's right: each bill that he signs into law, every Executive Order that he issues, and each and every one of his nominations to his Cabinet and to the federal courts will have no legal effect!

I don't make that statement lightly. It's not an exaggeration.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 4 of the United States Constitution provides, in pertinent part, as follows: "No Person except a natural born Citizen... shall be eligible to the Office of President..."

That means that neither terrorist Osama Bin Laden, nor Austrian born California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, nor Obama billionaire money man George Soros can serve as President of the United States. That also means that if Barack Obama was born outside of the United States, he is not eligible to serve as President of our great country!

So where was Mr. Obama born?

He claims to have a copy of his birth certificate. That means that either he knows where he was born, or he's lying about having that document.

And only Barack Hussein Obama's ACTUAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE -- not the highly questionable"certificate of live birth" -- can answer that question of where he was born. But he has teams of attorneys, all across the country, spending, and doing, whatever it takes to make sure that no one, and I mean NO ONE, will be allowed to see the one document that can clear up this controversy

Mr. Obama has claimed that his Presidential administration will be the most transparent in history. Yet, he will not make public the one document that could end all of the questions about the legitimacy of his election as President.


Is it because this is some unimportant "technicality"? No, a requirement of the U. S. Constitution is not a mere "technicality"!

Is it because "President" Obama (if he IS the President of the United States) has more important issues to deal with, and can't spare the time to deal with such a trivial issue? No, what is more important than the integrity of the Office of the President?

Or, is there something more involved?

Another question that the Obamaphiles don't want to answer is why, in 2005, was a law firm with ties to Mr. Obama researching the question as to how to evade the requirements of Article II of the United States Constitution, regarding the requirements to serve as President. 2005? Three years before the Presidential campaign?

If that doesn't raise questions in your mind, then nothing will!

And then there's the statements made by representatives of the State of Hawaii!

According to Dr. Chiyome Fukino, of the State of Hawaii's Department of Health,

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
It is that very record that USJF financed lawsuits in Mississippi and in Hawaii were seeking to force into the public arena! But Obama's attorneys, and his allies in state government, stopped those efforts cold!

If the State of Hawaii has it, then why can't we see it?

So, the time of decision is now!

Do we give up?

Do we just ignore this threat to our Constitution? To our very form of government?

We here at USJF say NO!

Now is not the time to give up this fight!

Now is not the time to walk away from the most important Constitutional battle in our lifetime!

Now is the time to redouble our efforts to find out the truth!

Now is the time to tell Barack Hussein Obama that the United States Constitution is more important than his political ambition!

But we can only do this with your help! With your financial support, and with the financial support of everyone that you know!

We're moving forward with this appeal. Will you stand with us?


Gary Kreep, Executive Director

United States Justice Foundation

P.S. This is the biggest political cover-up in American history! It would be so simple to release the documents to PROVE Obama is a natural-born citizen... IF THEY HAD THE DOCUMENTS!

Barack Hussein Obama thinks that he can get away with DUPING the American people and DESTROYING the U.S. Constitution. DON'T LET HIM DO IT!

To donate by check, please mail to:

United States Justice Foundation

National Processing Center

PO Box 131637

Dept Code 2651

Houston, TX 77219-1637

The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.