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'Hawk' Hit by Infrasonic Pulse !

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----- Original Message -----
From: JM
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 10:44 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Reprint of Email, Just Sent To George Noory, of "Coast-To-Coast AM":


 Hello, Mr. Noory:


 I have listened to your excellent body of work through \"Coast-To-Coast AM\" for quite sometime.  I just got word earlier today of an event involving an attack on a gentleman who has served as an excellent military intelligence source of a frequent guest of yours, Steve Quayle; the source goes by the name of  "Hawk".


 This is a matter of extremely importance in what it represents.  I felt it urgent enough to post on Alex Jones' MySpace blog, and post a MySpace of my own (with what is reprented below).  I think the situation, as described, deserves to be mentioned over the air ... I\'m sure when you read it, you will agree.


 Without further ado, this is a reprint of what I just posted on MySpace.  I encourage you to continue your bold, revealing work as you seek the truth in this age of massive misinformation and propaganda.

 Best regards,



 I received an Emergency Email yesterday, Tuesday, June 30,2009 from Chris re: Hawk hit by \"something\" during flyover of copter...!


 Email indicated Hawk, Steve Quayle's guest host on Q-Files, had a copter fly over him Tuesday and heard a strange noise then was HIT by something [infrasonic pulse hit him] and

> is now in hospital with stroke symptoms.... .!



 Steve Quayle also requested prayer for Hawk and reported the incident again on Q-Files Tuesday..... .



 DEVELOPING.. ......... ..


  Steve Quayle website: