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Basiji Sniper Takes OUt Teenage Iranian Girl Amid Protest, Tehran, Saturday 20 June

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June 27, 2009

Basiji sniper takes out teenage Iranian girl amid protest, Tehran, Saturday 20 June



After a major security blunder in which a member of the Iranian Basij (volunteer) militia was photographed firing live rounds at protesters, apparently a new tactic is in place: snipers. In this amateur video, a girl thought to be in her teens collapses during protest, no one suspects she's been shot, someone shouts: "take her away in a car", the crowd circles around her, her eyes gaze upwards bilaterally - a sign that she is probably in hemodynamic shock. This precedes oral hemorrhage, consistent with internal injury, possibly due to bullet impact. She reportedly died on the scene. There is not much chance she would have survived. Although she was rushed to a nearby hospital. She has been referred to as Neda Salehi and Neda Agha Sultan. The Iranian Islamic regime has referred to people killed during protests as 'terrorists'.
