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Vote TODAY on carbon tax; Pelosi scrambling for votes

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

    Pelosi and Obama are scrambling for the final votes they

    need. They are ringing the phones of key Democrats. I need

    you to do the same.  -- Steve

President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and the Democrats are putting on the full-court press to strong-arm the final votes they need to pass the massive 1,200-page cap-and-trade carbon tax. Even Al Gore is working the phones.

They are pressing for every last vote because the media are reporting that the Dems "have not yet lined up the 218 votes needed for passage."

What this means is... we still can defeat the Cap and Trade Tax!

The House vote is TODAY and I need you to overwhelm the House with calls opposing this massive taxing scheme.

+ + Action #1 -- Call YOUR Representative

Talking Points:

1. "I live in your District and I am urging you to vote NO on

    H.R. 2454 -- the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax."

2. Has the Congressmen decided how he or she is going to vote?

3. Please represent my voice and vote NO on H.R. 2454.

+ + Action #2 -- Call other key members of Congress

Obama, Gore and others will be working the phones throughout the day -- calling the dozens of key Congressmen to get their vote.

We have already identified a list of key Democrats who are the focus of our fax campaign. Go here to access phone numbers for these key Democrats:

+ + +

NOTE ON CALLING a member of Congress from outside their district:

+ + +

If a staffer tries to reject your call because you do not live in that Congressmen’s district, politely tell them you understand that Obama, Al Gore and others are not confining their calls to their one Representative and so neither will you.

Talking Points:

1. I understand that Congressman ____________ holds a key vote in

   today's vote on the cap-and-trade carbon tax -- HR 2454.

2. I oppose the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax. This is an outrageous

   power grab by the federal government that will greatly expand

   government control and increase energy costs for my family.

3. Especially in these difficult economic times, Congress must

   not pass this tax on the American people!

+ + Facts on the True Costs

Heritage Foundations estimates that the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax will:

    "Reduce aggregate Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by

     $9.6 trillion"

     "Destroy up to 2.5 million jobs in some years"

     "Raise electric rates 90%, gasoline prices by 74%, and

      natural gas prices by 55% after adjusting for inflation"

     "Raise a typical family’s average annual energy bill

      by $1,500."

Thanks for taking a stand!

Steve Elliott, President

+ + + + +

Three Gifts for You!

One more note: If you can make a monthly gift to by credit card, we’ll send you three special gifts to show our thanks for becoming one of the core supporters of everything we do. Go here to find out more:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.