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Tell Us Who Should See This DVD

Robert Greenwald

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-From: Robert Greenwald
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 5:52 PM
Subject: Tell Us Who Should See This DVD

Have you hosted a screening of Rethink Afghanistan yet using the newly released DVD? Is there a school or library that could use a copy of this ground-breaking documentary? What about a member of Congress who needs to be better informed about the war?

For a suggested donation of $19.95, the first three segments of Rethink Afghanistan are available on DVD, including Troops, Pakistan, and Cost of War, and over an hour of special features.

Take this opportunity to get the Rethink Afghanistan DVD for yourself, or enable us to send the DVD to a school, library or member of Congress of our choosing. Once you have the DVD, host a screening with friends and people from your community to spark discussion about the war in Afghanistan.

With the Pentagon admitting military error led to civilian casualties in last month's Farah province airstrikes, and congressional calls for an exit strategy growing louder, there's never been a more important time for people to Rethink Afghanistan.


Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

P.S. Join the Peacemakers program to take action and contact our government whenever there are Afghan civilian casualties from this war.

Rethink Afghanistan DVD

Get the DVD today!