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'American Orange Revolution'

Deepak Sarkar

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From: Deepak Sarkar
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 8:07 AM
Subject: Poem 'American Orange Revolution' - (Dedicated to true American spirit of freedom, peace and justice for all - Deepak Sarkar,

 [From the Author of “Poems by Kolki – Absolutely Humane” & “Real Path To 9/11”]

[Without 9/11 Open Public Investigation American Government Is Corrupt and Criminal Regime Making All Talk About World Peace, Security, and Multi-Faith Moot Points. Kolki]

[Let this 4th of July resurrects America as the “land of the free and the home of the brave”! Kolki]


American Orange Revolution

(Dedicated to true American spirit of freedom, peace, and justice for all – Deepak Sarkar,


[When wise act ignorant, or indifferent, world becomes a dangerous place! Wall Street Bailout or guaranteed funding for the well planned martial law enacting another New Pearl Harbour like 9/11? US Economic problem is just the direct effect of irresponsible trillion dollar tax cuts, trillion dollar increase in military spending, and the outrageous cost of Iraq & Afghan Wars which mostly enriching private Defense Contractors & Evangelical Mercenaries making tax payers insolvent! Recovery must have been a post election well thought political decision; but the 9/11 perpetrators and their military Junta only making Government dysfunctional! Thus the only option open for the masses is revolution before the crusaders start martial law enacting more spectacular New Pearl Harbour to officially start Third World War to destroy democracy and our old world!  Kolki]  


My fellow Americans -

Must have learned form watching television

How quick orange revolution

Thrived around the parts of ancient civilization!


Okalahoma City Bombing and September 11 destruction

All related obstructions of justice sealing documentations

Detentions and abuses disregarding open honest investigations -

Made military, CIA, FBI, NSA, criminal organizations!

Media objective against rule-of-law and proof-of-convictions!

Politicians mute and naïve inactivating political organizations!

Requiring immediate revival of American Orange Revolution!


It may seem unachievable -

But in fact could be very simple!

Without Politicians - who ignore truth as untouchables!

Ideologically bonded to ‘The United Kingdom of Israel’!

Fear being labelled as ‘soft on crime’ and ‘too liberal’!

 Support troops violating international laws of War Crime Tribunals!

Without Media - that avoid news as unmarketable!

And finally without leaders who whisper Armageddon!


Implementing pre-emptive peaceful mass revolution!

Guarding CIA, FBI, NSA, Pentagon, in Washington!

Releasing all documents for open distribution!

Taking over media like CNN for public television!

Converting FED as open government institution!

Ensuring media reflect population distribution!

And singing in chorus the song for American freedom -

“Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”.


Finally, rejoicing with American Pride in friendliness!

Reassuring the world –

‘The Statue of Liberty’ was never meant for military threats!


  "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

Dwight D. Eisenhower,

Farewell Address to the Nation, January 17, 1961


Since 9/11, Zionist Evangelical Power (70 million in USA) along with NATO Constitutional Monarchs took over every aspect of US administration and media making people’s voice unheard, inert, and useless! It’s time to rise! Kolki )


[How can politicians playing in the secret hands of FED, bypassing logical scholarly world, bolster US/World economy? Fellow Americans must recount that it was the politics of tax cuts and more military spending, without 9/11 investigation for justification, that led to the destruction of US economy entirely!  The obvious reasons are the Senate and Congressional support of irresponsible trillion dollar tax cuts, trillion dollar military spending blocking/derailing 9/11 investigation, close to trillion dollar Afghan-Iraq war spending which created hollow shell like a tooth without the root! Above all, hasty congressional support for giving away 700 billion dollar of tax payer’s money to Wall Street, just before election 2008, from the treasury which is already in 700 billion deficit is nothing less than treason against the honest hard working American people and their hard earned democratic values for Freedom. God bless America and its true values serving equal justices to all. Kolki]


Author: Deepak Sarkar, 844 Royal Oak Ave, Victoria, BC V8X 3T2, Canada; E-mail:; Poetry & Peace Web Site:; Tel/Fax: 250-412-2897


It’s a fight for Truth & justice against Lies & injustice which is the law of causation! This is a decisive moment in history and all humans must strive to fight for truth with their Heavenly power inside so that they can live heavenly life on Earth with peaceful possessions and truthful vocations! God bless America, our beloved world and all sentient being.J Kolki


When religions coexist, leaders communicate, media respect neutrality, laws not blinded by immunity, and citizens' needs take precedence over profitability - peace becomes reality, world lives in harmony appreciating Human Rights - Kolki