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Pelosi Makes Back-room Deal for Carbon Tax; - Vote Friday

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

We have just learned that Pelosi and key Democrats have struck yet another back-room deal to force a floor vote massive cap-and-trade Carbon Tax to the House this Friday.

Our reports indicate that many members of Congress, especially Democrats in agriculture and coal states, are still undecided. But they are facing enormous pressure from Pelosi, Obama and the radical environmental lobby.

I am asking every Grassfire team member to take immediate action in two ways:

#1 -- Send Faxes Now!

    We must let every member of the House know that citizens

    do NOT want yet another enormous tax and government

    bureaucracy! We oppose their massive carbon taxing

    scheme! Go here to send your faxes:

If you prefer to send your faxes, please use the fax numbers and sample fax letters provided above.

#2-- Call your Rep today!

Call your Representative and key House leaders and tell them

you oppose H.R. 2454!

Your Representative:

Other key House leaders or undecideds to call:

Rep. Collin Peterson (Ag Committee Chair): 202-225-2165 (Peterson just caved and is now supporting the bill)

Rep. Tim Holden (Ag Cmmtte Vice Chair): 202-225-5546

Rep. Tim Walz (MN) 202-225-2472

Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC): 202-225-2731

Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX): 202-225-1640

Rep. David Scott (GA): 202-225-2939

Talking Points:

1. I oppose the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax. This is an outrageous

   power grab by the federal government that will greatly

   expand government control and increase energy costs for

   my family.

2. This system of "allocations" has failed in Europe and

   will politicize America's energy policy.

3. Especially in these difficult economic times, Congress must

   not pass this tax on the American people!

Thanks for taking a stand!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. There is so much controversy surrounding this vote and Pelosi's back-room, fast-track tactics that even CBS news is calling the vote a "gamble" for Pelosi. Please take a stand to stop this outrageous new tax. Make calls and send faxes here:

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