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Amnesty Meeting at White House This Thursday

Steve Elliott, President,

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Yesterday, the White House said that immigration reform is unlikely to move forward this year. Then in the next breath, they announced a closed-door meeting with bi-partisan lawmakers this Thursday to discuss the issue!

The on again, off again White House meeting is back on again, and I'm calling on members of the Grassfire team to unleash a firestorm of faxes and phone calls protesting what is most certainly a closed-door meeting to strategize the best way to move comprehensive immigration reform forward.

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++ La Raza Demands Health care for Illegals

Since postponing his last "closed door" meeting, amnesty groups have been extremely vocal in their demands for political payback from President Obama.

    On Monday the National Council of La Raza arguably

    the most outspoken and radical of the open border

    organizations, called on Congress to guarantee health

    care benefits for illegal aliens!

These groups are fully engaged and are knocking down Congressional doors with their outlandish demands, and signaling the immediate need for us to counter their

increasingly aggressive actions!

+ + Schedule Your "No Amnesty" Faxes For Immediate Delivery

With these radical organizations fully engaged, and bending the ears of lawmakers around Capitol Hill, it's paramount that we rise to the challenge.

By scheduling your personalized faxes today, you can deliver reason and common-sense into these same offices--impacting your South Dakota Senators and Representative as well as the key leaders with our NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS message.

Click here to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery:

La Raza doesn't speak for me. La Raza doesn't have my best interests at heart.

That's why I'm leading this latest charge on Capitol Hill--to make certain that theirs isn't the only voice lawmakers hear over these next several days!

If you haven't yet scheduled your "NO AMNESTY" faxes to Congress, please do so right now by clicking here:

Without question our FaxFire fax system is the most efficient way to make a big impact on this issue, but we've made it veryeasy to send faxes on your own. With a simple click, you can access our targets and sample letters for download simply by clicking here:

Regardless of which delivery method you choose, take action!

Thank you for standing with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: After scheduling your faxes, please call the White House and let them know that you oppose Obama's Thursday immigration reform meeting.

Here is your contact information:


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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.