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New Report: South Dakota families hammered by Carbon Tax

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

A new report has just been released indicating that South Dakota is one of 40 states that will see electric bills rise under the new cap-and-trade Carbon Tax scheme.

Just so happens that liberal strongholds like California, New York, Connecticut and Washington State will actually see their prices decline... while EVERY RED STATE FROM THE 2008 ELECTION except two will see energy prices increase or skyrocket!

Why are some states (mostly blue states) paying less while other states (historically red states) are getting hammered? Because the new cap-and-trade carbon tax has been totally politicized!

    Liberal politicians and bureaucrats are giving themselves

    the power to "allocate" the carbon allowances to support

    their political agenda!

According to the New York Times, a similar cap-and-trade "allocations" system failed miserably in Europe, creating a "lobbying free-for-all that led politicians to dole out favors to various industries" while creating "little noticeable benefit to the climate" and generating a "multibillion-dollar windfall" even for favored polluters!


Speaker Pelosi is still pressing for a House Floor Vote THIS WEEK -- to rush this through before she takes her July 4 holiday.

Right now, Democratic leaders are trying to strike back-room deals... but our Hill contacts tell us resistance is building.

Two ways to get that message through today...

#1 -- Send Faxes Now!

    We have focused our FaxFire on the most vulnerable

    Democrats in the House. Go here to schedule your faxes:

If you prefer to send your faxes, please use the fax numbers and sample fax letters provided above.

#2-- Make these phone calls.

Call your Representative and key House leaders and tell them you oppose the fast-tracking of this massive tax:

Your Representative:

House Speaker Pelosi: 202-225-4188

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: 202-225-4131

Rep. Collin Peterson (Ag Committee Chair): 202-225-2165

Rep. Tim Holden (Ag Cmmtte Vice Chair): 202-225-5546

Talking Points:

1. I am disappointed that Speaker Pelosi is pressing for a

   floor vote this week on the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax.

2. I oppose the cap-and-trade Carbon Tax. This is an

   outrageous power grab by the federal government that will

   greatly expand government control and increase energy

   costs for my family in South Dakota.

3. This system of "allocations" has failed in Europe and will

   politicize America’s energy policy.

4. Especially in these difficult economic times, Congress

   must not pass this tax on the American people!

The Carbon Tax is the lynchpin to the entire leftist, statist

scheme. This is where they find new tax dollars to fund their


We can damage those plans with a strong stand against the

Carbon Tax this week!

Thanks for taking a stand!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Your Congressmen will face enormous pressure from Pelosi and the Democratic machine to pass this new tax this week. Please take a stand by calling and sending faxes:

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