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Grassroots Victory Spurs Latino Groups to Action

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Thanks in large part to grassroots phone calls, and faxes, demanding "NO AMNESTY for illegals" the White House has again postponed their so-called "bi-partisan" meeting to discuss immigration reform.

Originally scheduled for June 8, the meeting was moved to this Wednesday before being put off again, with no new date set.

According to the United Press International, the indefinite delay suggests that the Obama Administration is finding immigration reform more difficult than expected.

++ Grassroots Victory Fuels Immigration Rights Groups

    With the announcement, pro-immigration organizations

    came out strong--demanding Obama make good on his

    promise to Latino voters.

    "Patience is wearing thin in the Latino and Immigration

    communities and Obama needs to follow through with

    the commitment he made to more than 10 million Latinos

    that voted in the last Presidential election," says

    Francisco Lopez, executive Director of CAUSA (the largest

    Hispanic civil and human rights organization in the

    Pacific Northwest).

Starting today, CAUSA as well as numerous other immigration rights organizations will launch a massive call, fax and email initiative directed at the White House and lawmakers demanding the meeting go forward!

Now is not the time to relax.

Latino rights groups are engaged, motivated and mobilized-holding Obama's feet to the fire about comprehensive immigration reform!

That's why it is critical that grassroots citizens take immediate action to counter their massive push this week.

Grassfire has made is easy and convenient for you to impact your lawmakers as well as "fence-sitting" Democrats and Republicans whose decision may largely depend on who yells the loudest!

Click on the link below and schedule your personalized faxes to these key lawmakers as well as your two South Dakota Senators and Representative:

With Obama's latest postponement, there's no question that we have the momentum. But we can't allow amnesty groups to steal it away. We absolutely must remain strong and unwavering in our demands for border security and enforcement and no amnesty for illegals under any circumstances.

Help me counter the actions of the amnesty crowd by clicking here:

Our faxfire system provides the most convenient way to communicate directly to key lawmakers in this debate. However, if you prefer sending faxes on your own, we've made it easy for you to download the targets and fax letters. Click here for more:

With your help right now, I'm hoping to deluge congressional offices with thousands of "NO AMNESTY!" faxes throughout the week to offset the activities of the open-border crowd.

Obama's hesitation on immigration is victory for us, but we can't slow down. Not when immigration rights organizations are kicking off an aggressive campaign to move Obama forward.

Thanks for standing with Grassfire!


P.S. After scheduling your faxes and making your phone calls, forward this message to 20-30 friends urging them to sign our "No Amnesty for Illegals" petition by clicking here:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.