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Emergency: Homeland Security to Gut Immigration Enforcement Rules Today

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From: NumbersUSA []

Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 12:46 PM


Subject: Emergency: Homeland Security to Gut Immigration Enforcement Rules Today

Emergency! This just in! Homeland Security set to GUT employer verification TODAY!

Obviously we have to turn up our volume to protest this travesty

Please do all four action items in this email

We have a policy emergency! The Department of Homeland Security plans to issue a new regulation today that will roll back much of the employer verification put in place during the last year of the previous administration.

If we are to have any influence at all on this matter, please do all 4 of the items listed later in this email.

We have been expecting new rules from DHS that would make federal contractors use the E-Verify system to weed out illegal aliens from employment.

But in what amounts to a surprise attack, DHS plans to issue rules today that would give tons of loopholes through which unscrupulous employers can continue hiring their cheap, illegal labor instead of Americans.

Further, the no-match Social Security letters, which alerts innocent Americans that criminals and/or illegal aliens are using their Social Security number, is also being gutted today.

We must raise a firestorm of protest now, THIS AFTERNOON, to shake the administration's confidence on this matter. (Please do all four alert items below.)

Terrible as these developments are, they are not the only danger we face. Our opponents in the pro-Amnesty gang are using some of the $48 million they have raised to bring about a blanket illegal alien amnesty. Here are the details:

Last week the pro-Amnesty groups used some of their millions to fly 700 "activists" to Washington to personally lobby Congress. They called this action a "takeover" of Congress. (How do you like that term?)

Also, they launched a new faxing effort to Congress. They claim their members sent 80,000 faxes. Frankly, we have reason to believe this is a deceptive number. Nonetheless, they are clearly on the march.

With the backing of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Big Labor Unions, and the Mainstream Media, and now, unfortunately, the administration as well, its easy to see how they claim to have the momentum of the immigration debate.

However, the fact that we have defeated every single amnesty push since 2001 gives us enough hope that we can again kill this latest attempt—if we keep the pressure on.

( NOTE: The ONLY way our side can even the odds and keep defeating Illegal Alien Amnesties is for members who have never given before to pitch in financially. Did you know that NumbersUSA is UNIQUELY dependent on first-time donations? So, even if it's only $5, please hit that red button and give a little today. )

Four Action Items You Can Do Now

Do you know how you can tell you're doing things right? When the other side starts to mimic your ideas! "Reform Immigration FOR America" is a newly developed umbrella organization created to unite all the open-borders groups hoping to pass an amnesty. They are taking things to the grassroots level, seeking to bombard Capitol Hill with phone calls and faxes.

Our approach works, so the other side finally took note of how we're getting things done!

We cannot take this lightly. Even though we have many more people who agree with our viewpoint, the open borders alliance has millions more dollars to put towards their agenda. NumbersUSA operates on much less than 5% of the budget had by the pro amnesty movement and we send more than 7 million faxes to Congress a year.

But the biggest threat we face today are these DHS rules gutting verification.

Here are four things you can do to help today.

  1. Send all faxes and make all phone calls on your Action Buffet. We'll give you all the details you need when you click on the page. But obviously we must flood Congress and the administration with protest about these bogus "verification" rules. Other faxes warn Congress against passing any kind of amnesty.
  2. Study Roy's blog, which gives all the details on the Department of Homeland Securities verification betrayal..
  3. Make a donation of at least $5 to help us combat the overwhelming financial advantages of the pro-Amnesty gang. We'll use the money to fight these disturbing developments.
  4. Check our home page.See news and blogs on the latest developments on DHS and the push for Amnesty. (Read this article on NumbersUSA showing how Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is determined to push an amnesty through this year.)

The pro-Amnesty, anti-verification side realizes that 2009 will be their best chance of achieving their aims and are pouring every resource possible into making that happen. As they claim in their press releases, they have a President and Congress sympathetic to their cause. But they DO NOT have the support of the American people.

Let's do everything we can to defeat Amnesty and roll back these terrible DHS rules. We know that we can achieve success, but we need your help to ensure that happens. Won't you contribute at least $5 in the battle for the future of our country?



Jim Robb's signature


Vice President, Operations


Jim Robb, VP Operations

P.S. If you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help

Numbers USA

1601 N. Kent Street

Suite 1100

Arlington, VA 22209