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Al Bielek was born in 1927.  His first memories of being Al Bielek were when he was nine months old during a family Christmas party. 

The odd thing about his memory was that he fully understood the conversation that was taking place around the piano.

As Al went through grade school, he was know as the "walking encyclopedia".  Before graduating high school, he took an electronics test and was the only one to pass.  The Navy needed people like him during the war years and recruited him.

The audio segments below features the first five minutes of the entire program.
Al Bielek's early life

Al Bielek's life Part II with some general discussion

Early years at Montauk
Later years at Montauk
About Duncan Cameron and trips made to Mars, our past and our future
Al comments about the "Remote Viewing" program

Al later completed his education and took on various vocations in the field of electronics.  While contracting for various Military contractors, the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about our involvement with Extra Terrestrials and PSI Ops (Psychic Operations) programs.

Strange things started to happen to Al soon afterwards.

While in Hawaii in 1956, he had a brief encounter with, who he believes now to be Mark Hammil - the actor in Star Wars.

Soon after he was recruited into the Montauk Project.

He would work his normal job in California, and take the underground subway to Montauk Long Island to carry out his duties there.

After the time tunnel was perfected, he would simply be teleported to the underground base and returned back to his apartment.

During the 1970's, Al was the Program Director for the Psychics who manned the Montauk Chair.  Since the Montauk Boys were a key program at Montauk, Al had some influence with the Montauk Boys program.

His duties were to handle the operations of the Mind Control program.  He was in regular contact with Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols.  Stewart Swerdlow was one of the Montauk Boys programmers under Al Bielek.

In the 1980's when the time control programs were operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments.  Both he and Duncan traveled to Mars on several occasions.  He now remembers several other trips he took with teams to a research station in 100,000 BC, other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy, and to the year 6037.

In January 1988, after seeing the movie - "The Philadelphia Experiment", his memories started returning.  Al believes his involvement with Montauk ended with that revelation.  Over time and though meetings with Preston Nichols, Duncan Cameron, and others, many more memories returned.  Ironically, just after his memories returned, Dr. John Von Neumann tried to get in touch with him - a promise he made to Ed Cameron, should his memories ever return.

Al made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia experiment in the 1989.  He has been a prolific speaker on both radio talk shows and conferences.

He believes he has not been harmed or stopped because his time traveling experiences locked him into this timeline.  Somehow, by being here today, he, among others in the program, serve to balance the effects they produced from prior time traveling experiments.

note:  During these interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year.  I didn't believe it!  So I did my own research.  Basically, what I found is there is a total of 1.4 million children reported missing in the United States.  California alone has a total of 110,332.  Click here for a link to my reference.  Here is a local PDF file of some California stats.

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Al Bielek believes Dr. John von Neumann did not die in the 1950's as published in the general media.  On several occasions, he met with von Neumann.  Compare the photos for yourself.

Dr. John von Neumann in the early 1950's. von_neumann_50.jpg (11647 bytes) Dr. John von Neumann today. No he didn't die in the 50's. von_neumann_today.jpg (23897 bytes)

Bielek Family Photos

Al with father at age 2 al2.jpg (41279 bytes) Al at age 11 (notice the odd leg length) al11.jpg (19263 bytes)
Bielek Family al_family.jpg (37261 bytes) Sailors Prayer - Al wanted this included. prayer.jpg (57787 bytes)

Past family photos (Cameron)

1970 - Alexander Cameron fishing. a_cameron_fishing.jpg (22457 bytes) 1970 - Trophy ceremony for sail boat racing. (Alex in middle) a_cameron_trophy.jpg (49316 bytes)
1969 - Alexander with son Duncan II in Sarasota Florida. a_duncan_cameron.jpg (28576 bytes) 1989 - Duncan with friends in Long Island, NY. duncan_company.jpg (42103 bytes)
Duncan at a conference in 1991 selling biosonde (machine that amplifies the energies of the human mind) duncan_conference.jpg (39592 bytes) Duncan in Long Island in 1986. duncan_1986.jpg (78173 bytes)
Picture of Jeff. Al believes Jeff was his first son born to Ed Cameron jeff_cameron1.jpg (84148 bytes)    

Montauk photos taken in 1986

Radar tower, built in the 1950's to test early "over the horizon" radar systems.  Also used in the early Montauk Project mind control & time travel experiments. tower2.jpg (27261 bytes) Directional antenna used as part of the Montauk system. tower6.jpg (23930 bytes)
Back side of the Radar dish. tower4.jpg (38450 bytes) Another view of the Radar Tower. tower3.jpg (37853 bytes)
View of the Montauk base from the Radar Tower - general housing. montauk_tower_top.jpg (41049 bytes) Mounting based for an early radar system. montauk_bldg.jpg (44618 bytes)
More housing units on the Montauk Base. montauk_bldg2.jpg (49801 bytes) More housing at Montauk. montauk_bldg3.jpg (64937 bytes)
Additional barracks. montauk_street.jpg (46622 bytes) Grassy knoll used in early experiments with radar dish for time travel. montauk_circle.jpg (43849 bytes)
One of the amplitrons in the radar tower - built by Raytheon Corp. (Final RF driver for Radar Dish) montauk_equip2.jpg (35599 bytes) Second amplitron, partially disassembled. montauk_equip1.jpg (36529 bytes)
Junior - Mental creation from Duncan's mind that became a physical reality for a few hours on August 12th 1983. junior1.jpg (41862 bytes) Close up of junior. junior2.jpg (39793 bytes)

Montauk photos taken in 1993

Another picture of junior taken later. He's still there! junior3.jpg (33826 bytes) Sign of the Montauk Air Force Station that the Air Force says "never existed." sign.jpg (49566 bytes)
Master pulse generator, found in Preston Nichol's collection, originally used on the USS Eldridge equipment1.jpg (30603 bytes) Radio receiver originally used on board the USS Eldridge for the August 12th test. equipment2.jpg (53231 bytes)
Map of Montauk montauk_map.jpg (26396 bytes) Montauk Tower tower1.jpg (21242 bytes)
Office building in Montauk township built in 1926.  Still standing today.  Not built in sand as the Air Force says only exists in that area. hotel.jpg (41068 bytes) Side view of radar tower at Montauk. radar_tower.jpg (26865 bytes)
Power station at Montauk. (Used during days of development of Sage Radar System) equipment3.jpg (47817 bytes) Five sided room in on of the Montauk bunkers - used for beating Montauk boys into submission. room1.jpg (35001 bytes)
Helga Morrow viewing terminal end of Montauk Boys processing point - where many boys died. room2.jpg (36961 bytes) Duncan Cameron standing by same series of pallets. room3.jpg (28778 bytes)
Power station - showing one of the 8 MGW generators. equipment4.jpg (48491 bytes) View of the lighthouse from the Radar Tower lighthouse.jpg (29291 bytes)

Alien Sketches

Typical 3 1/2 foot "Grey".  Seen quite frequently at Montauk in the 1970's and 80's. alien3.jpg (26740 bytes) Anatomical sketch of a "Grey's" hand - note only four fingers with an extra bone. alien_hand.jpg (30257 bytes)
Sketch of Montauk visitor from Sirius A - (Hardware merchants of the Galaxy). alien4.jpg (24813 bytes) Schematic of abduction process at Montauk. alien_table.jpg (35278 bytes)
Reptilians as typically seen at Montauk. alien1.jpg (41274 bytes) Orion Greys and Zeta Reciculi Greys. alien2.jpg (24419 bytes)
Mind machine used by the Sirians. (Early prototype at Montauk) alien_mind_machine.jpg (37124 bytes)