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The "Fix" is in on Immigration

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Today (Wednesday), just five days before President Obama holds his closed-door White House meeting officially kicking off comprehensive immigration reform, he's already started to subtly tip his hand to what we can all expect...

    The AP is reporting that Obama reversed a Bush

    administration rule that immigrants rights groups

    had long criticized in which immigrants awaiting

    deportation were not entitled to legal representation.

Under Obama's revised plan, you and I will be paying for legal services rendered to those who have no legal right to be here!

And there's more...

    Open border activists today are kicking off a nationwide

    campaign aimed at fixing America's immigration system.

    According to Gabriella Villareal of the New York

    Immigration Coalition the time is right to fix our

    broken immigration system. "In terms of the political winds...

    we definitely are in a different position--and in a good

    position--to make immigration reform happen this year!"

The so-called "fix" is in, and it's up to you and I to quickly prepare for what I believe will be an immigration reform tsunami--threatening to radically, and forever change our nation's landscape unless we take a strong, proactive stand against any reform plan that includes an amnesty component!

++ 50,000 in Two Days!

Just days ago I sent a message to Grassfire team members urging them to sign our new petition opposing Obama's coming amnesty agenda by clicking here:

In two days, more than 50,000 citizens signed our new "No Anmesty" petition. This is a fabulous start, but in light of today's news, it's obvious we have a long way to go before we can effectively counter Obama's actions... But I'm hopeful--especially knowing that I have committed team members like you working with me.

In case you missed my first message, I want to be clear to team members that this is a brand new petition that requires EVERY member of our team to sign--even if you havesigned our past petitions opposing amnesty!

Take a moment right now to sign this important petition to defend against this Obamavasion of illegal aliens. Click here to sign:

++ Action Item--Alert your Friends

This week, I want to press hard on getting our "No Amnesty" message out to as many Americans as possible so that they too can get engaged in efforts to stave off this coming amnesty wave.

    So after signing our petition, forward this message to

    30-40 friends right now and urge sign our petition by

    clicking here:

With your immediate help, I believe we can surpass 100,000 citizen signers by the weekend--which gives us some weight when we start rattling cages in D.C. next week!

As we are already seeing, Obama is moving forward on immigration reform--and making us pay for it all. Take immediate action today so that we are ready for battle tomorrow!

Thank you for standing with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Say "No" to Obama in the best way you can by alerting 30-40 friends and directing them to sign our national petition by clicking here:

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