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President Obama:

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

On June 8, President Obama will officially launch the next great push to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens living within our borders!

On that day, Obama will host a closed-door meeting of congressional leaders from both sides of the political aisle to discuss immigration reform.

Of course you and I aren't invited...

And for good reason. Obama and his open-border cohorts are eager to payback the Hispanic special interests that helped get him elected. As he told Mexico's most popular Spanish- language radio host, he wants to move very quickly to get comprehensive immigration reform legislation written this year... and he doesn't want you and I standing in his way.

Are you ready to join with me to oppose what I believe will be the most aggressive amnesty push our nation has ever seen? Click here to sign our petition opposing amnesty now:

++ The Coming Obamavasion!

As we have already seen in his first 100 days, Obama moves very rapidly. Backroom meetings away from peering public scrutiny is his Modus Operandi, and the reason why we cannot afford to sit back and wait.

You and I don't matter to him. In fact, he wants little to do with us. That's precisely why we must immediately position ourselves in the eye-of-the-storm--ready to do battle again for the sovereignty and security of our nation and its people.

Patrick H., in short, we need to mount a blistering

counterattack to what I believe will be an "Obamavasion!" of

illegal aliens.

++ 1,000,000 Citizens Opposing Amnesty!

During last year's amnesty battle, you played a pivotal role in our  mighty, proactive army of grassroots citizens who held firm and beat back a strong amnesty push.

But this is different. This will be an Obamavasion!

As he said during a National Council of LaRaza convention:

"I marched with you in the streets of Chicago. I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President...because we have to finally bring those 12 million people out of the shadows."

Despite his strong-arm tactics, I believe we can beat Obama's coming amnesty wave, but we must quickly amass a grassroots army of at least 1 million citizens!

That's why I'm asking ALL members of our team--even friends like you who signed our petition and fought with us last year!


That's right, Patrick H., even if you've signed in the past, I need to know that I can count on that same outstanding level

of support for what promises to be a much tougher battle!

Click here to and let me know that I can count on you:

++ Alert Your Friends Today

The key to victory is to quickly amass a proactive coalition of grassroots Americans as soon as possible, so after signing our petition, please take a few additional moments to alert your friends to the coming "Obamavasion" of illegals.

    Forward this message to 40-50 friends urging them to join

    the "No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens" wave by clicking here:

Again, I anticipate Obama will move very quickly. That's why I'm turning to you to help me grow our petition to 1 million strong in short order!

Thank you for responding to this important call to action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Again, I'm calling ALL members of our team to sign this new petition opposing Obama's amnesty plan for millions of illegal aliens. After signing forward this message to your friends urging

them to join with you by clicking here:

+ + + + +

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c) 4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.