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Progress for Downsize DC Army in May

Jim Babka

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Quote of the Day: "Things are more like they are now than they ever were before." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Subject: May 2009 Progress Report

Our goal is to constantly grow larger and stronger in order to...

* Exert relentless, overwhelming, resistance numbing pressure on Congress

* Make our ideas heard by everyone, everywhere, every day

* Attract opportunistic politicians who will want to march in front of our Big Parade

Achieving these goals will Downsize DC. We know of no other way to do the job...

* You can't win a political contest if you're outnumbered

* You can't win an argument if your voice isn't heard

So we keep pushing on these essential things in our relentless way. The result in May was more progress...

* We bombarded Congress with 36,512 messages, exceeding what we did in April by 4,782

* 610 new people registered to use our Educate the Powerful System (this one is down from 710 last month)

* We recruited 424 net new members, as opposed to 302 net new members in April

* Net growth for the year now stands at 1,079

* The Downsize DC Army now stands at 25,428

* It took us 176 days to grow from 24,000 to 25,000, but now we've grown nearly 43% of the way from 25k to 26k in just 31 days.

YOU can make the army grow even faster by following our quick and easy instructions for personalized recruiting.

But how do we reach the people we don't know? Only outreach can do that, and outreach costs money. Just as we try to make it easy for you to recruit new people, and easy to impose pressure on Congress, we also make it easy to fund our outreach. You can do it for as little as 17 cents a day, which is just $5 a month. In May...

19 new people started monthly credit card pledges, ranging from $5 a month to $250 a month. Here are some of their names...

Don Matesz, Silvy Berman, David Jones, Barbara Baxter, Nancy Kovar, Ryan Ackroyd, WM Michael O'Brien, John C Houghton, James Alan Speedie, FOUR unlisted

21 other people made one-time contributions ranging from $15 to $125. Here are some of their names...

Dorothy Davis, Arlene Lindstrand, Dee Clary, Joan Garro, Jennifer Tarling, Richard Linchitz, Steven Palmer, Bruce N. Liddel, Ernest P. Eusea, Chris Reulman, David Anthony, Christopher T Wagner, Thomas Sartwelle, Jr, EIGHT unlisted

As always, let's do more this month than we did last month. Let's...

* Send more than 36,512 messages to Congress

* Recruit more than 424 net new members

* Recruit more than 19 new monthly pledgers. You can start a pledge on the contribution page (remember to tell us if it's okay to list your name)

* Generate more than 21 one-time donations, and exceed May's top donation of $125. You can contribute on the secure contribution form (remember to tell us if it's okay to list your name)

Thank you for the work you did in May, and for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

is the official email list of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

Normally published 3 - 6 times per week.

CONTRIBUTE in support of the "Educate the Powerful System" is sponsored by, Inc. -- a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government.  Operations office: 1931 15th St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202.521.1200

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