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Jay Janson

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On Memorial Day, while our family and friends mourn our absence, conglomerate owned media, after having used our patriotism to have us fight unjust wars based on lies, now hypes our inglorious death as beautiful military service, blacking out media’s having deceived us into participating in senseless massacres of millions of civilians over the last 60 years.

Those who mourn us as fallen comrades, do so in bitter heartbreak and anger. For more than a half century, all of us veterans, both living and dead, were tricked into disservice to our country and humanity, while only some of us paid for our ignorance and innocence with our lives.

And whether we gave our lives in that good war against the fascism that American industrialists and bankers seeking huge profits helped build up, or died during the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which candidate Obama called “a dumb war,” our politicians pat our families on the back with equal thanks.

For whether we died fighting the powerful land, sea and air forces that had attacked and declared war on our country, or died after being lied to and deceived into committing war crimes against near defenseless nations, it makes no difference to Wall Street. The Street makes money either way, from ‘good'

war or any war, and the death and destruction war brings.

Whether we lose a war, after murdering millions of Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians, or stalemate, after bringing death to a couple million Koreans, our deaths are considered to have contributed to saving all those millions from having to live under communist governments. (However, we note that our government today, ironically enjoys lucrative trade, and has the warm relations, with the communist governments of China and Vietnam.)

Whether some hundreds of us died killing Afghanis in Afghanistan to be better able to chase the Saudi Arabian, Bin Laden, and failed to find him, or merely a dozen of us fell during the manslaughter of a thousand Panamanians, who stood in the way of our successful capture of their former CIA drug dealing President, we receive the same gratitude from the industrial-military-complex via commercial TV programing.

Whether we were two dozen, dying during our invasion of the Dominican Republic to prevent the restoration of democracy and their elected but overthrown President, or three hundred  blown away in our sleep by a suicide truck bomber in Lebanon, we all died in government issued clothes and were worthy of a thank you from the Presidential advisors whose plans our commanding generals were carrying out.

Whether we  fell serving atrocities happening before our very eyes or were victims of errant friendly fire, we receive the same level of appreciation from politicians and media holding us up as exemplary, to entice recruits to aspire to similar glorification from their peers and society.

(The capitalist establishment, needing predatory war for resources and financial domination, fears Albert Einstein’s menacing prediction that war will end when people refuse to fight.)

Confronted with constant indoctrination to love of war by fear promoting corporate mass disinformation media, veterans, who have survived must remember that we who have paid the highly profiled ‘ultimate sacrifice’ [read threw away our lives for worst than nil], are  watching from our graves as criminal media portrays us as just so  happy to have forgoed forty or fifty years of mornings, love, friendship, sunsets, and the sheer exhilaration of being alive, to have been shot like pig in a poke or shredded by some stupid land mine, so some mentally challenged moral failures as a human beings CEOs can play with their soldiers, maps and derivatives earning charts.

And just one more thing. Tell that dippy ‘why me worry,’ American public : ‘You are responsible for the murderous crimes of your government. You, yes, you, the American entertainment/news advertising TV mesmerized glued to your desperate personal lives citizenry. You are responsible for all the death of the millions we were ordered to kill. Your President is just one public servant, don’t shrug your responsibility off on him.

So on Memorial Days don’t focus obsequiously on us. We paid both the price of our ignorance and your indifference to your citizen responsibilities. Apart from the loving attention of our dear families and acquaintances, we despise your media anchors interest in ‘honoring’ our cadavers.

Join the human race and mourn the people we were sent to kill but fell in love with before dying because of your indifference. Those millions that were victims of our wars were our, and your, brothers and sisters and their dead children are now ours more than theirs.

To properly mourn these children, now our children, get to know the culture of their beloved parents. Before we died we realized that their love of family, is head and shoulders above American family values - if for no other reason, because their roots and cultural education goes back much much further than our mere three hundred years of U.S. composite adolescent culture, currently under relentless threat of further commercialization.

We promise you, it will do you good to love them as we came to find them lovable, and realize our, your, government’s extreme cruelty.

On Memorial Day, we would like you to stand above our buried bodies, and pledge to stop being imperialists and stop imperialist war, as Martin Luther King Jr. demanded. Then no one will call America ‘The Great Satan’, nor suicide themselves just to take some of us along with them to a better world.

Mourn the children, their parents and relatives, and then, and only then, mourn us, and for us, please mourn our perceived enemy’s losses as well. If not in your name or ours, then in the name of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and who ever else taught compassion as healthy and wise behavior.

Save the use of the words  ‘honor’ and ‘praise’ for someone like Muhammad Ali, who refused to do what we, for all our good intentions, unfortunately, went along with.

Author's Bio: Musician and writer, who has lived and worked on all the continents and whose articles on media have been published in China, Italy, England and the US, and now resides in New York City.