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The War Drums Beat Again

William Helbig

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As the Republican Party continues to shoot itself in the foot, it seems things can actually get worse, as the fractured party calls on Dick Cheney to lead the party out of the swamp where it has been mired since the election.

Dick Cheney, the former vice president who believes the vice presidential office is not part of the executive branch, is the unlikely anti-hero who can only make things worse for the republicans. He has also refused, during his term in office, to hand over public documents to the National Archives, claiming that his office immune from such requests as the documents are classified. Perhaps Cheney created a fourth branch of government where he alone is the king.

However, there is something much deeper, more sinister in the decision to bring Cheney to the vanguard of the ever-shrinking Republican Party. He spews forth the same rhetoric and theme of the last 8 years of the Bush administration's mantra concerning the evil Arab (Muslim) terrorists. For example, the Homeland is constantly under siege from these radical Islamic terrorists.

The threat is so extant that volumes of plastic sheets and duct tape were required to protect our homes from a biological weapons attack from the same evil people who brought us September 11, 2001. Nevertheless, not to worry, since the anthrax attacks from October of 2001 came from radical US scientist Bruce Ivins. Mr. Ivins worked for the US Army's Biological Warfare Lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and conveniently committed suicide, taking all relevant evidence with him to the grave.

The same people who bought the rolls of plastic sheeting and duct tape, are the very same people now hoarding volumes of firearm ammunition.

If the terrorists wanted to enter the United States, all they had to do was piggyback with Mexicans coming across the wide-open southern border of the Homeland.

What is the real reason behind Cheney rearing his ugly head into the political limelight once again? Why is he doing this now? The only way the Republican Party has a chance to regain its stature, is to claim that not enough is being done to contain the threat from the radical Islamic terrorist organization, aka, Al Qaeda.

Once this spin hits all the relevant media outlets, ostensibly to stir up the fear factor again, another 911-type event is now a real possibility. Perhaps Denver, Colorado, will be selected as the city for a dirty bomb (low-level radiation poisoning), or a biological weapons attack, with a small amount of people being poisoned, which will provide enough ammunition to chastise the Obama administration for not doing enough to keep the Homeland safe.

The republicans, lead by Cheney, will stand on their bully pulpit, and propel the Republican Party to the top of the hill as the saviors of the homeland. Now the second phase of the Middle East oil grab can now commence, as Iran will surely be blamed for said terrorist attack, and the war drums can beat again for an all out assault on Iran and its oil wealth.

Author's Bio: I hold several degress from the Pennsylvania State University and I love to research what most people call conspiracies. For example, the JFK assassination and 911, and vCJD (Mad Cow disease), to name a few. I have come to realize that we in America do not live in a democracy, but a rule by a small corrupt majority which happens to be filthy rich - the same people who brought us the genocide of the Native Americans, slavery, and endless perpetual wars as part of a national energy strategy for the United States by the collusion of energy corporations and the US Military. My primary goal is to help expose these people who start all of the wars, become bloated with wealth, from the backs of the destitute poor soldiers, and try to make the world a better place for humanity by helping cure the sick, discovering new forms of energy, and to make warfare illegal on planet Earth. The human species has now evolved enough to know better, and we need leaders to show us the way, as we can have heaven here on Earth, not some form of a deranged idea of heaven in some parts of outer space, which extremists of all forms are dying to get into.