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Should We Overthrow the Government on July 4 ? (with videos)

Hal Turner

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May 23, 2009

In an interview with C-SPAN, Barack Obama admitted today that the United States government is "out of money."

In a sobering holiday interview with C-SPAN, President Obama boldly told Americans: "We are out of money."

C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.

SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. (Source)

Despite this admission, that very same federal government is presently throwing away literally millions as follows:

* The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise six bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and just what can be done about it. (Source)

* The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAA), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job. (Source)

* The National Institutes of Health is conducting a two-year study costing $178,000 in which 60 Thai sex workers are being interviewed to understand what makes them so succeptible to HIV, including economic pressures and their heavy use of drugs (Source)

Of course, we're constantly told that these expenditures are "trivial" in the grand scheme of things; even when those expenditures are absurd.

So let's move on to something less "trivial." This same federal government that threw away millions as listed above, is presently throwing away HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS as follows:

$350 Billion a year on "National Defense" to fund a military that is so utterly incompetent it could not intercept four civilian airliners on September 11, 2001 before those airliners were used as weapons to smash into the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon outside of Washington, DC and another aircraft over Pennsylvania that passengers forced to crash rather than hit the White house.

If you think this is an unfair attack, then lets move on to the present day seeing as we MUST have learned our lesson after September 11, right? Fair enough.

This same US government has thrown away far more, as follows:

Over One TRILLION dollars to that same utterly incompetent US Military that has not been able to win a war in Afghanistan or a war in Iraq in a longer period of time than it took our Military to win World War 2!
OK. OK. I'm still being "unfair" you say. Fine. Let's move on to even more recent follies:

Over the course of the last 18 months, our government has spend over another TRILLION to bail out ponzi schemes like AIG, whose Financial Products division is an ongoing criminal enterprise which exists through outright criminal fraud.

Let's move on to the "Troubled Asset Recovery Program" (TARP) which began as a $700 Billion bailout for failing banks, that blossomed into a 2.1 TRILLION bailout thanks to the fancy book keeping at the federal reserve.

Ah HA! you say. Now, we've got ya! The TARP program bailed out banks by gaining Stock Warrants in those banks so the taxpayers can get their money back, you say. Not so fast.

According to Bloomberg Business news today, that very same government is now allowing those banks to buy out the stock warrants they gave to the government, for pennies on the dollar!

What's that, you say? This can't be, you say. Think again!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the US Treasury is negotiating with those banks to allow the banks to buy back the TARP stock warrants for pennies on the dollar. Bankers will be walking away with literally billions in outright profit from paying off the stock warrants and thus preventing taxpayers from recovering the bailout money! (Source)

Still pro-government? How about the TRILLIONS they took from us in "Social Security Taxes" which they turned around and moved to the general fund, then spent. There is no Social Security "Trust Fund." It doesn't exist. There is no "account" for you in some government vault, holding your hard-earned money for your retirement. Nope. They spent all that money on other stuff. It's gone.

What we have in lieu of a Social Security Trust Fund is an outright Ponzi scheme which, we are now being told, will once again be going broke. (Source)

If you're still too dumb-as-a-post to conclude this government is infested with thieves, behold the video below. This is actual video from a US Congressional Hearing during which the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve admits they don't know what happened to NINE TRILLION DOLLARS. (Someone stole it!)


Are you starting to see what's really going on here? Are you finally waking up to the fact that the government of our country is a complete and total scam? A heavily-armed gang of lying, thieving, cheating degenerates who parasite off our hard work? Worthless in every regard?

Is your blood starting to boil yet? If so, then maybe you'll understand why the traitorous Rep. Peter King of New York, has introduced a Bill in Congress to preemptively deny firearms purchases to anyone the government deems a "potential threat." (Source)

In fact, not only is the government planning to prevent you from buying a gun, they are also now considering legislation which would allow them to put YOU in jail if they merely THINK you MIGHT do something bad to them. They refer to this as "preventive detention" for people they cannot try in court -- because the person hasn't actually done anything wrong yet. (Source)

I think this charade which calls itself the United States Government has gone quite far enough. In my opinion, it is time to get rid of this abomination by any means necessary - even if that means attacking the government and destroying it by force.

The opportunity to begin this process will present itself to each of us this Fourth of July. As they do each year, members of Congress, the courts, the military will all be participating in Fourth of July parades. In my opinion, this would be the ideal time for patriots throughout the nation to walk out into the street as these government people are walking in the parades, and do what needs to be done to them, right there on the street for all the world to see.

I won't shed a tear if folks walk up to Congressmen, Senators, Judges or the useless military leadership and hit them right in the face with a sledge hammer. CRACK!

It wouldn't bother me in the least to see a whole slew of average American citizens walk out into parades all over this nation, and take a full swing with a baseball bat, right into the skulls of these filthy, degenerate, lying, pig, thieves.

When former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld recently attended the White House Correspondents Dinner, he was harangued by some attendees who screamed WAR CRIMINAL at him, but who never laid a finger on him. They were escorted out. He laughed at them, then enjoyed dinner. (Video below)

What SHOULD have happened to Rumsfeld is simple: Someone at the dinner should have taken a steak knife and stabbed him in throat until the murderous thug died. OOOPS, now you know what I would do if given the chance.

By now, many of you are saying to yourselves, gee, all we have to do is vote them out. Who are you kidding? Voting is what has gotten us into this mess. Do you really think the average American voter - who has proven beyond any doubt they are total morons - will vote these people out? Grow up.

How I want to handle things

I view the government as nothing but a heavily-armed gang; a den of thieving , murderous beasts. The only thing they understand is force. I think it's time they experienced force by being on the receiving end.

Below is a video of what I want to do to guys like Rumsfeld, members of Congress, the Senate and especially some federal Judges. As you watch the video below, imagine me being Actor Robert DiNiro and a congressman or senator being the one getting hit. (Caution, very bloody video)

I think we should send these foul beasts into the abyss. The Fourth of July is the perfect opportunity. I hope we get it done.

In the meantime, there's a perfectly lawful, peaceful thing all of you can start doing: Call your congressman and Senators local district offices in your state and ask them "What events here in (your state) will (insert Congressman/Senator's name here) be participating in on the Fourth of July?"

When they start getting these types of perfectly legal calls, they'll start wondering what the heck is going on. Then they'll hear about this essay and start freaking out that so many people are making casual inquiries as to where they will be on the Fourth of July!

If they ask who you are or why you're making the inquiry, do not be afraid to answer them honestly. Tell them you want to . . . . . . meet . . . . . (yea, right). . . . the official, to express your . . . . . concerns . . . . . (yea, right).

Trust me, they'll be going berserk in Washington over these calls. They'll probably go into hiding on the Fourth of July!

Maybe, if enough if us start casually asking where they will be on the Fourth, they will suddenly get the message that the jig is up. Who knows, they may even start behaving!