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Public’s Access On Lands Managed by the Federal Government Being Curtailed (Idaho)

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From: Rod Remelin
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 3:41 PM
Subject: Roads Closed
Please pass this onto whoever you can and go to it. This is an important meeting with lots of information.
Don't just sit at home and bitch about the FS or BLM go to this meeting please. Numbers are important too.
Larry Dasenbrock

Citizens for Good Government
P.O. Box 943
Kamiah, Idaho 83536

Pat Holmberg, Executive Director
Citizens for Good Government

Public’s access on lands managed by the federal government being curtailed and the citizens’ rights ignored alarms many Idahoans. 
Following is text of letter with attachment being mailed to local, state, and federal legislators: 

Citizens for Good Government invites you to two meetings to be held:


May 27, 2009 at the Kooskia Community Center (City hall) from 7-9 p.m.

May 28, 2009 at the Grangeville Senior Citizen Center from 7-9 p.m. 

The main purpose of these meetings is to discuss the major road closures in the Nez Perce Forest travel plan.

Also, to encourage our local and state governments to take a strong stand on the issue of Federal Lands Right-0f-Ways (R.S. 2477's) which give citizens the needed access to our public lands.
Idaho County has over 1200 legally filed and officially mapped 2477's asserted on behalf of not just the citizens of Idaho County but for the entire nation.


We anticipate standing room only crowds as this is a major issue of considerable importance..


Citizens for Good Government is a non-partisan association that provides information to the general public on issues of significant importance.  Our slogan is, "Prepare for tomorrow by protecting your family through strengthening local government today!"  Supporting our elected officials and being individually involved in what happens in our counties and state is paramount in achieving our goal of bringing about good government we can all be confident that works in our best interest.


Pat Holmberg, Executive Director

Citizens for Good Government

Office: 208-935-6007
