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Carbon Tax will put U.S. Through "Economic Wringer"

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

According to the Associated Press, the Energy and Commerce Committee is now considering the Carbon Tax bill!

         Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) chairman of the committee

         is eager to move the bill forward--possibly by the

         end of this week, saying the nation is at a

         crossroads and its reliance on fossil fuels.

         He added that a shift to cleaner energy will

         reduce the risks of climate change.

         But Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) and the committee's

         ranking Republican believes differently, saying

         passage of the Carbon Tax would put the nation

         "through an absolute economic wringer."

Last week Grassfire launched our FaxFire targeting the Energy and Commerce committee--the very committee considering the Carbon Tax that would require every American family pay an annual $3,100 tax!

The timing couldn't be better to voice your strong opposition! Click here to take immediate action:

++ No time for delays!

Last week we told you why Obama and his cohorts are so eager to get the Carbon Tax out of committee...because they fear public scrutiny!

Public backlash jeopardizes their radical plan to "save the planet" and empower the government to tax and control the air you and I breathe!

         That's why I'm urging ALL members of

         the Grassfire team to take immediate action with

         me by scheduling your personalized faxes to the

         key members of the Energy and Commerce committee

         at the exact time they are considering this foolhardy bill!

Click here to schedule your faxes for fast delivery:

Only a dramatic groundswell of citizen-led opposition can short- circuit what would certainly prove to be a knockout blow to our already sagging economy and overburdened taxpayers.

That's why I'm hoping we can deluge the committee with thousands upon thousands of personalized faxes, like this one that says:

          According to Zogby International, citizen opposition to

          the bill is growing, and today 57 percent oppose

          cap-and-trade legislation. Additionally, a Pew Research

          poll ranked global warming dead last behind the economy

          and 18 other areas!

With your help right now, we can significantly stir up the waters and jeopardize this liberal plan to push this bill through as

quickly as possible.

Don't stand pat and do nothing--not when the timing for grassroots action is so perfect. Whether you choose to download our letters and targets to fax on your own, or simply click below for the convenience of having Grassfire send them on your belhalf, the TIME IS NOW TO TAKE ACTION against the Carbon Tax bill.

Click here to see the targets and letters:

Thank you for taking action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. After scheduling your faxes, please forward this message to 20-25 friends, urging them to take immediate action with you by clicking below:

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