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Grassfire Petition Delivery to DHS This Week!

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Over the last several days, nearly 15,000 citizens have signed our petition demanding DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano apologize publicly and step down from her post following the leak of her "Rightwing Extremism" report.

Last week, I told you that I temporarily suspended the delivery because the petition numbers just weren't where I felt they needed to be to maximize our impact on this issue.

However, given the vigorous response we've had this past week, coupled by a strong surge over these next 12 hours, I believe we will actually exceed our goal and am therefore lifting the suspension and have my staff moving forward with the delivery as originally planned.

++ 12 Hours to Reach Our Goal

Conservatives cannot allow these kinds of baseless personal attacks to go unchecked and unchallenged.

Failure to respond emboldens the opposition to increase these kinds of vile attacks in hopes of dissuading conservatives from expressing their free speech rights!

         That's why this petition delivery is so important because

         it sends a strong message that we aren't going to

         tolerate attempts to intimidate, politically profile

         or silence conservatives!

         Over these next 12 hours leading to the delivery, I'm

         urging all members of the Grassfire team to forward this

         message to 20-25 friends, urging them to send a message

         to Napolitano and the DHS by clicking here:

Help me maximize this important effort by forwarding this message right now.

As always, thank you for taking action with Grassfire.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Let's use these remaining 12 hours to push us past our petition delivery goal and really make a statement to the President's administration and to the DHS.

Forward this message to your friends urging them to join with you against this latest conservative attack by clicking here:

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