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Obama Budget Deficit 'A Reunaway Record'

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President Alliance

The radically liberal Los Angeles Times reported today that President Obama's budget deficit will surpass $1.8 trillion "a runaway new record in the gulf between what the federal government spends and what it collects."

Coupled with the fact that the Obama budget has also swelled $100 billion larger than the bloated budget resolution Congress just passed, and it's easy to see a widening financial gap that American taxpayers will be required to bridge in the coming months.

Meanwhile, the carbon tax and healthcare overhaul loom overhead...

This outrageous tax and spend philosophy being championed by the Obama Administration is putting our nation, and its citizens in peril, and I can't remain silent any longer!

++ 12 Hours to Rally an Additional 15,000 Signers

Over the last number of hours, more than 6,500 citizens have signed our "Stop the Spending" petition--leaving us only one thousand signatures shy of the 250,000 mark!

But, as news of Obama's tax/spend treachery grows, angry, citizens--many who are feeling the pinch of the current economic crisis want to sound off--but don't know where to turn as our nation races toward statism...

    With just a few hours remaining before

    my staff begins preparing for this important petition

    delivery, I'm urging you to help me seek out and rally

    those citizens. With your help over these next 12 hours,

    I believe we can reach an additional 10-15,000 citizens

    who want to be represented on Capitol Hill by clicking here:

With your late-hour help, I believe we might even shatter this mark and push far past our goals!

But hurry. With all the activity swirling around Capitol Hill right now it's imperative that we move forward with our petition delivery within the next couple of days.

That means precious few hours remain for citizens to take action against this administration's plans to siphon more cash from our pockets.

Help me find those taxpaying Americans and steer them to take immediate action by clicking here:

Thank you for answering my last minute call to action!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. If you haven't already joined ResistNet -- the social network for Grassfire team members opposing this push toward socialism -- please do so today!

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How you can fight back against socialism every month. is committed to fighting the new Obama-led march toward socialism -- and you can help us fight back by scheduling a special monthly gift by credit card. To say thanks, we'll send you three special gifts. Go here to find out more:

+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.