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Two Wars

Farouk Abdullah

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----- Original Message -----
From: "farouk abdullah" <>
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 9:08 AM
Subject: 2 Wars

Here is an article that I recently wrote to a friend that may be of interest and understanding to the Group.


I understand your enthusiasm about the current economy but please remember (1) unemployment is still going UP! (2) the United States of America Incorporated is bankrupt and (3) all Federal Reserve Notes are in reality WORTHLESS as they have no asset backing whatsoever and the FED is printing them like MAD which can only result in hyper-inflation.  The optimistic bubble you are currently seeing is a false inflationary scam that will burst when more banks are forced to collapse, the commercial property bubble is exposed and the derivatives market collapses particularly with the arrest and imprisonment of thousands of fraudulent banksters and Bushies.

What you don't see is the real WAR that is going on behind the scenes.  This one is between the sovereigns who want to keep their money printing presses and those who want a gold backed real global money.  Obviously the guys printing toilet paper want to keep their fraud alive as long as possible and are willing to do just about anything to keep it (AIDS, SARS, Swine Flu, Wars, murder, etc.), so it is an ugly fight.  This war is primarily between the US and THE REST OF THE WORLD BANKSTERS.  The end result will be a gold-backed currency and continued enslavement to the same old Masters.

There is a secondary war also going on that is not quite so obvious.  This one is the battle between SLAVERY and LIBERTY. Currently the world is under a global debt regime, one of economic debt enslavement as a means of population control by the global economic puppeteers.  Mortgages, car loans, personal loans, credit cards are all part of a slavery code that entraps the population into a control and fear based system of which there is debt from birth till you die.  (When you are born the government creates a STRAWMAN in your name which they borrow against and you pay taxes against till you die.)

This SLAVERY system robs the individual of his God Given Rights or choice and free will and is an imposition of the WILL of the STATE (or Banksters, Illuminati, etc.)) upon the individual.  It is this Imposition of Will or Demands, or more specifically, the idea that a few powerful men can TRY TO PLAY GOD over all mankind that is at the crux of this problem.  Simply the Created can never be better than the Creator, and if you try, you will be at WAR with the Creator, and that is a battle you can never win.

We are thus now entering a transition period from one of Slavery to one of Liberty of free will choices.  This is a transition from demanding to one of a period of unconditional love and charity from a time of hatred, resentment, demanding and enslavement. 

This is not an easy transition, particularly since those controlling the money printing presses and media are so skilled in fraudulent activities and have brainwashed so many into believing in the current WRONG WAY of doing things.  But there is an awakening, a change in the wind, a realization that there is something terribly wrong with the old way.  The current economic crisis is exposing the underbelly of the beast.....and it will be slain very soon.

(See http://www.brassche page/615. html to understand who our Oath Taking saviors really are.)

But what can YOU do?  Not much at this time.  Just sit back and watch.  Try not to feed the Beast by clearing your debts, reducing your taxes and strengthening your own religious and moral beliefs.  Know that you are a SLAVE but that you can be a FREE MAN (WOMAN) by just being more aware.  Most government employees (including military and other statute law enforcement personnel) are unaware of what they are doing so TEACH THEM.  This is not a violent revolution.  It is an EVOLUTION based on understanding and knowledge.  Just spread the word.  Your FREEDOM is up to you.