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Congress Could Mess Up A Train Wreck

James Wilson

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Quote of the Day: "I've come to expect that even nobly conceived laws will be manipulated and distorted for private ends. But once in a while I hear a story that gives me the queasy feeling that I'm nowhere near cynical enough." -- Christopher Hayes, The Nation

Subject: Congress could mess up a train wreck

One intent of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was to reduce the use of fossil fuels. But now, because of this law, the paper industry is using more fossil fuels than before.

Prior to Congress deciding it could use tax policy to re-engineer America's energy use from on-high, the paper industry had been 70% fueled by something called black liquor, a natural by-product of the paper making process. In other words, the paper industry was inherently energy efficient, until Congress got involved.


The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorized a 50-cent per gallon tax credit for mixing gasoline or diesel with an alternative fuel. To get the credit, paper companies began to mix diesel with their black liquor. In other words . . .

  • The government is paying the paper industry to use a less efficient, environmentally-destructive fuel!
  • The cost of this scam could reach $8 billion this year. [Source: The Nation]

Congress could mess up a train wreck.

At first glance, this appears to be an example of "unintended consequences," but this assumes we really know what Congress intended . . .

  • The Energy Policy Act of 2005 was 1,273 pages.
  • The House passed the bill just one day after it was filed.
  • The Senate passed it one day after that.

It's impossible to believe that any member of Congress had the chance to read and completely understand the bill. This means that those who voted for it didn't really know what the intention was. Someone could have wanted the paper industry to have a hidden subsidy. But if the Read the Bills Act had been in force, the Energy Policy Act would have been . . .

  • Read before a quorum in both chambers, giving all members a chance to review it thoroughly
  • Posted on the Internet for seven days before a vote, so the public could review it too

Someone might have seen that this legislation had the potential to cause the reverse of its supposed purpose.

Without the Read the Bills Act, messed up train wrecks like this are bound to continue. In the past two weeks, the House passed 23 bills totaling 209 pages, while the Senate passed 5 bills and 99 pages.

  • We won't know until it's too late how many messed up train wrecks are hidden in these bills,
  • And this will continue to be the case until we pass the Read the Bills Act.

Please use our quick and easy Educate the Powerful System to tell your Congressional employees to introduce and pass's Read the Bills Act.

Use your personal comments to complain about . . .

  • The 1,273 Energy Policy Act that no member of Congress had the time to read or understand
  • The multi-billion dollar subsidy to the paper industry that rewards them for using more fossil fuels

To beat the 31,730 messages to Congress the Downsize DC Army sent in April, we need Downsizers to send 1,570 messages today. Send your message at's Read the Bills campaign page.

Please also add your website or blog to the Read the Bills Act Coalition. In return, we'll link to your site and mention it in a Dispatch like this one, reaching over 25,000 subscribers. Here are the instructions.

Thank you for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army. To see how much we're growing please check out the Keeping Score report below my signature.

 James Wilson

Assistant to the President

P.S. The list of bills Congress passed April 20-May 1 can be found below my signature in the blog version of this Dispatch.

Keeping Score

You can't change the government by yourself. You'll need a huge "army" to help you. That means these numbers must grow constantly . . .

The Downsize DC Army now stands at 25,159. It's grown by 810 net new members so far this year, and 54 net new members yesterday. YOU can make the army grow even faster by following our quick and easy instructions for personalized recruiting.

We can also grow faster by mailing recruitment letters to potential DC Downsizers. If you want to start a monthly credit card pledge to help make this happen please let us know on the secure contribution form if its okay to publish your name here . . .

NEW MONTHLY PLEDGERS IN MAY: Nancy Kovar, Ryan Ackroyd, WM Michael O'Brien, 1 unlisted APRIL: Mark J Wilson MARCH: Franklin L. Webber, Scott Boeff, Darryl W. Perry, Raul Torres, Alex Vournas, James E. Sopher, Vincent B Grubb

Or, if you'd prefer to make a one-time donation please let us know if its okay to publish your name here . . .

NEW ONE TIME DONORS IN MAY: Ernest P. Eusea, Chris Reulman, 1 unlisted APRIL: David Hyatt MARCH: William R Scarborough, John O'Donnell, Mr. Kent, Jaret Osborne, Melanie Rogers, Cynthia Roe, Clarence L. Wallace


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