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My Report from D.C. On Your Petition Delivery

Martin Weiss- Grassroots Action Alert

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Martin Weiss is still in our nation's capitol following his delivery of your petitions to stop the bailout madness. Please see below.

Grassroots Action

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Martin Weiss

    I just delivered your petitions. Now I want to hear from

    you and find out what concerns you most about the current

    economic crisis. Please see below.   --Martin

I am truly humbled.

Yesterday, I delivered 59,235 signed petitions to Congress demanding an end to these senseless, damaging bail-outs.

I also delivered our message to the national media at my pressconference at the National Press Club -- and today, I have  follow-up interviews with CNBC... the Associated Press... The Washington Post...USAToday... Business Week and others.

Today, I am also delivering our message to key senators and congressmen on both sides of the aisle who sit on the Senate Finance Committee... the Committee on the Budget... the Joint Economic Committee, the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee and others.

    Go here to see photos of your petitions taking center stage

    in our nation's capital:

I'm convinced that the timing of my meetings with our nation's top decision-makers couldn't be more crucial because...

+ + The Next Phase of This Crisis is Beginning NOW!

Just today, we're learning that Washington's stress tests are showing that despite the hundreds of billions of dollars Washington has already thrown at our banks...

Bank of America will need an additional $34 billion of OUR MONEY to survive... and more than half of the other 19 banks will also need many billions more.

Plus, this morning, we had a sneak preview of the next shoe to drop in this crisis:  Major cracks are now appearing in the commercial real estate market!

The Financial Services Roundtable... the leading banking and finance industry group... just warned that thousands of commercial mortgages valued at hundreds of billions of dollars are now approaching renewal dates...

And that as many as TWO-THIRDS of the companies that pay these mortgages will NOT qualify for refinancing!

What do YOU think will happen in the stock market when thefull results of these bank stress tests are released? How will Real Estate Crash II -- the collapse of the commercial real estate industry -- impact the banks that now hold these mortgages?

+ + I want to hear from you!

It has been such a privilege to represent your voice in our nation's capital. Now, I want to hear from you.

I want to know what is concerning you... And what questions you have about where the economy and our nation are heading.

Please go here to post your questions and comments on my personal blog:

Good luck and God Bless!
