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25,000 Grassfire Petitions Needed to Reach Delivery Goal

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Yesterday I told you about Grassfire's upcoming petition delivery putting key members of Congress on notice for voting for and supporting President Obama's massive $3.4 trillion budget plan.

With this reckless spending plan now in place, we anticipate an aggressive push for sweeping health-care, energy and education reform in the weeks and months ahead!

That's why we must stand up now and let lawmakers know that there are no "free passes" here. They need to know that we are holding them accountable for the fate of our nation!

That said, I'm thrilled over the response of Grassfire team members who heeded my call to action last night, by motivating thousands of citizens to step forward and sign our petition in time to be represented on Capitol Hill!

+ + Only Hours Remain to Make our Goal!

With 36 hours remaining before delivery, we are only 25,000 petitions shy of our goal of 250,000.

Forward this message to 30-40 friends and family members, urging them to add their name in time for this important petition delivery by clicking here:

To those on Capitol Hill who supported Obama's radical spending plan, I want to send a terse message that growing numbers of American citizens are opposing the actions of Congress and this administration.

I want them to feel the heat of thousands upon thousands of taxpaying citizens coming forward EVERY HOUR demanding a return to fiscal responsibility!

We can achieve that with your help, Patrick.

Forward this important update today and help Grassfire reach this important delivery goal.

Thank you in advance for taking action with me.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: Again, only 36 hours remain, and I'm counting on you to help me rally the additional 25,000 citizens to sign our petition and reach our delivery goal. Forward this message today and urge your friends to click below to be represented on Capitol Hill:

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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