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Minuteman Project Rallies in front of Mexican Consulate

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-From: WB
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 2:48 PM
Subject: FW: Minuteman Project Rallies in front of Mexican Consulate
Minuteman Project Supporters protesters under the direction of Robin and Raymond were in front of the Santa Ana, California Mexican Consulate for May Day.  TONS OF PHOTOS.  As Raymond Herrera and a group of American citizens attempted to enter and present a letter (that calls upon the Mexican government to take care of its citizens in MEXICO) to Santa Ana Mexican Consul Carlos Rodriquez y Quezeda, we were stopped by surgical-masked Mexican guards as well as pro-illegal alien activists and staff members at the entrance.

We need your support for more of these protests against the illegals in our country.   Please click here to send your most generous donation to support the continued work of the Minuteman Project on behalf of Border Security and Immigration Reform.

Minutemen Everywhere Should Care about the Supreme Court
The next Justice may help keep Illegals in America, just like this case did last week!
Court rules for immigrant in ID theft case

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court has ruled that an undocumented immigrant who uses a phony Social Security number to get work should not be considered an identity thief unless prosecutors can prove he knew the number belonged to a real person.
The court ruled unanimously Monday in favor of Ignacio Carlos Flores-Figueroa, an undocumented worker from Mexico, who was given an additional two years in prison for aggravated identity theft. He presented his employer with Social Security and alien registration numbers that belonged to other people.
The government argued that prosecutors do not have to offer any proof that a defendant knew the identification belonged to someone else and was not simply made up.
The court, in an opinion written by Justice Stephen Breyer, rejected that argument.
This is why the Minuteman Project needs your financial support!  We must work together to stop the insanity with Supreme Court rulings like this.  Hearings on a new Justice are just one month away!

Minuteman Project on ABC News Los Angeles
Mexican Consulate Protest even made the Los Angeles ABC News station.  Click here for video.

We need your support for more of these protests against the illegals in our country. Please click here to send your most generous donation to support the continued work of the Minuteman Project on behalf of Border Security and Immigration Reform.

Minuteman Project uses Interstate Protests in Support of America

Minuteman Project Volunteers rallied at Interstate overpasses in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, California to show support for America on May Day.  Tens of thousands of passerbys honked their horns in favor of our work, including one active duty member of the US Army who stopped by to thank us.  Click here for photos.

We need your support for more of these protests against the illegals in our country. Please click here to send your most generous donation to support the continued work of the Minuteman Project on behalf of Border Security and Immigration Reform.

UPS makes $750K grant to National Council of La Raza
You may want to change your shipping company to Fed Ex when you find out that UPS has donated $750,000 to the pro-illegal group La Raza. 
Article Link


Thanks to all who have supported the Minuteman Project all over the United States.  Please click here to send your most generous donation to support continued work on YOUR behalf for Border Security and Immigration Reform.

PHOTOS Protest Mexican Consulate Santa Ana MAY DAY


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Santa Ana  Mexican Consulate Protest

May 1, 2009: Santa Ana, CA

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Staging  in front of the Santa Ana Mexican Consulate - we sought to send a May Day  message to the Mexican government:  Fix Mexico!   

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Inside of a consulate, it is the official soil of the country represented

As Raymond Herrera and a group of American citizens attempted to enter and present a letter (that calls upon the Mexican government to take care of its citizens in MEXICO) to Santa Ana Mexican Consul Carlos Rodriquez y Quezeda, we were stopped by surgical-masked Mexican guards as well as pro-illegal alien activists and staff members  at the entrance,  at  the "fence.

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We  were told repeatedly, that inside the consulate: "THIS IS MEXICO"  - ironically, Americans were stopped at this Mexican "border" on the same day illegal aliens and their supporters were protesting on U.S. soil.

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The Mexican guards took our letter and information packet for Mexican Consul Carlos Rodriquez y Quezada.

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A group of LEGALIZE L.A. activists marched in an ellipse in front of us - and loudly hollered out a variety of slogans - in support of Obama - in Spanish and English.

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The man, far left in the photo, appeared to be an official observer or security guard. 

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We Countered Back - FIX MEXICO

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A food cart vendor peddled his wares at the protest.  Food carts have substandard refrigeration/heating features.  Some cities enact ordinances that ban food carts, in the name of public safety.


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A lot of newspaper and TV media covered the event.

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Raymond Herrera worked with the police  in advance - requesting law enforcement coverage. There was a heavy police presence.  When we arrived, a police vehicle pulled up.  There were two officers in the front seat and two officers in the back seat.  Officers stationed on site as well as patrolled via  vehicles and  motorcycles.


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Don and Alphie were the first arrivals and won the prize shirt