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Corps of Engineers N.O. District is spending $1 million/ year in taxpayer money to repair its image

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From: Levees.Org
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: Corps of Engineers N.O. District is spending $1 million/ year in taxpayer money to repair its image has discovered, on a government watchdog website, that the New Orleans District of the Corps of Engineers pays a PR company $1,000,000 annually to help its image and fight bad press. 

That's your hard-earned tax payer dollars at work!

The PR company (OPP) assited the Corps during the "paper in the floodwalls" crisis and the 17th Street canal seepage.


provides support for media including the Times-Picayune, WWL-TV CBS New Orleans, Associated Press, USA Today, The Weather Channel and the The Today Show.

On your dollar, OPP is being paid to foster "strategic relationships with media outlets that result in more accurate and balanced stories."

USACE Negative Media also learned, from a request under the Freedom of Information Act, that fancy PR flash ads on are costing taxpayers $2,995 every month.  These ads say "building strong by reducing risk."

This is especially galling in light of how the Corps of Engineers in New Orleans continues to push ahead with a less effective, potentially dangerous plan for three New Orleans outfall canals because it's the cheaper approach.

Shouldn't the Corps focus on repairing levees instead of their reputation?

And this is yet another reason to refuse to accept the Corps of Engineers' self-study of the levee failures and demand the 8/29 Investigation Act.

Click here and demand a truly independent analysis of the flood protection failures in metro New Orleans.

Link directly to Corps' PR company is below.

Thank you,

Sandy Rosenthal


Click here for more details on the Corps' expensive PR company (OPP).