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National Day of Prayer - 2009

Randall C. Stufflebeam

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Constitution Party of Illinois News
National Day of Prayer - 2009 
Dear Friends, Family and Fellow Constitutionalists,
As most of you are aware, this coming Thursday will be a National Day of Prayer.  The United States Congress created the National Day of Prayer as a floating holiday in 1952.  In 1988, Ronald Reagan fixed it on the first Thursday in May.  Sadly, there's a question as to whether the White house will even be participating this year.  It just makes the importance of all Americans coming together and to pray for our nation.
However, I have some very exciting news!  I have been invited to speak at the West Monroe Apostolic Church in observance of the National Day of Prayer and for the first time since I've been speaking, I get to talk about my two favorite subjects - Politics & Religion - in the same speech.
The event will be held on Wednesday, May 6th at 7:00pm.
The church is located at 1609 West Monroe Street (corner of 30th and Monroe Street) in Herrin, Illinois.  For more information, you can call the church office at 618-942-4163.  You can click on the following link for a map:
Just to give you an idea of what I will be talking about, the title of my speech will be, "You've Prayed, Now Get Up Off Your Knees!"  Prayer is vitally important as it is the key that unlocks the door.  However, success depends upon us going through the door that was unlocked.  To put it another way; we must be prayed-up prior to the battle, but we must enter the battle if we are ever going to win the war.  And YES...  We are in a war for our liberties.  I strongly believe that what we do within the next year and half will determine whether we are to remain a free nation or whether we will be reduced to the Socialist Republic of America.
The even is open to the public, so please come on down. 
Yours in Liberty,
Randall C. Stufflebeam
Chairman, Constitution Party of Illinois