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Better the Pain of Truth than the Cancer of Deceit

Rafe Pilgrm

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Turning finally from a partisan persuasion they had lost faith in, the majority of Americans chose President Obama as the leader of "Hope," the promise for "Change."                                                                                                                      

What was to be the hope, the change?  For many of us the hope was that the "endless war" would stop, and the change would be to a government we could once again trust.                                                                                                            

What did we get?  We got taken.  We got a drift in President Obama's own promise to end the war in sixteen months to twenty-some months, the proposition that 50,000 non-combat (?) troops would remain in Iraq thereafter, and that the American troop forces in Afghanistan would be increased.

And there was perhaps worse:  Our pain and anger over the deceit and treachery, the slaughter and the torture over the first eight years of the 21st Century were not to be addressed and relieved by truth and justice.  "Looking forward" was what counted.  Any other course would be counterproductive, leading to nothing more than partisan vindictiveness, dissension and squabbling, and serve no useful purpose.


If deceit and treachery are not to be a privileged precedent to tempt others to employ such in the future, then the symptoms must be addressed, examined and fully disclosed just as must cancer lest it unexamined, undiagnosed and untreated will certainly destroy the body in future.

This is not about "partisan dissension," but something very much larger than any political detraction.  This is about truth and justice, and the "hope" we were given to believe would "change" war into peace, and deceit and treachery into decent government.

This is why Americans installed President Obama.  This is what humanity was expecting from our choice.We – the citizens of America and of the world – need to know:           

            .  How the Twin Towers were brought down, when no steel-structure had  ever before collapsed due to fire, and more about the "controlled" pattern of the collapses, and what caused Building Seven to crumble. 


          .  Where was the Air Force's NORAD and its vaunted within-single-minutes interception capability for so long a time after the reported hijackings? 


          .  Why was the flight purportedly to have crashed in Pennsylvania  subsequently, separately and innocently reported the next day in a local  newspaper as having an "emergency" landing in Ohio?  Where is the debris from the purported crash? 


          .  Why did the configuration of the hole in the Pentagon not conform to the configuration of the aircraft purported to have crashed there, and where is that aircraft's debris to be examined? 


          .  What is the trail (including names) of the fabricated intelligence and lies (yes, lies) that made the case for Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction when we were told by U.N. inspectors and our own people that such did not exist? 


          .  What is the trail (content, names and times) of the directives to employ torture, including executive direction, "legal" machinations, and the flow down the entire military chain of command above the few "bad apples on the night shift." 


          .  And much, much more, that is everything that must be exposed so that it can be dealt with finally in the clean light of day that favors it will not tempt others to deceit and treachery in the future. 

 This is what America needs and expects.  This is the hope and change we expected in choosing President Obama.   Is the change now to be nuanced, the hope now false?

The American people did not vote to avoid "partisan dissension."  We voted for honest hope and change, peace, truth and justice.

The American people and humanity now await the newly installed American President stepping up to those expectations. 

We can take the pain that comes with truth.  Lord, spare us the cancer of deceit.  



Author's Bio:

Rafe Pilgrim, after "a life largely wasted on hard honest work," found himself a jungle of turkey oak, scrub pine and giant palmettos up a dirt road running east of Crystal River, Florida, which neither school busses nor the U.S. Postal Service dare to assay. Sharing a house of his own design with Spanky the cat, Darla a pit bull, and a foundling of mysterious breed named Alfalfa -- all collectively known as Our Gang -- he spends his time "productively: writing poetry, working for peace, and gazing at the sky."


Central High School of Philadelphia, University of Maryland, Syracuse University, University of Maine, Ursinus College, Air Force Intelligence (Washington D.C., Germany), Ford Motor Company, Philco-Ford Corporation, Eighth Day Gallery, Phi Kappa Phi, Romey Everdell Award for Journalism,(1988), Hole in one (1998), and struggling to find America ever since 2000.