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Last Chance to be Represented on Capitol Hill

Martin D. Weiss

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Martin Weiss has an important message on his upcoming delivery of your petition to Washington, D.C. Please see below.

Your friends at Grassroots Action, Inc.

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From the Desk of:

Martin D. Weiss

In the past 24 hours, our petition telling Congress to "Stop the Bailouts" that are bankrupting our economy has exploded!

We now have over 48,000 signers! That’s 48,000 petitions that I will be personally presenting at a major press conference on Capitiol Hill next Tuesday... followed by a high-profile delivery to members of Congress.

My staff is now telling me that we must have every petition signed by Sunday for it to be included in my delivery.

I am so thrilled that I already have your petition ready to go.

Will you help me rally others to sign?

    Please forward this message to your friends and invite them

    to join you in signing the petition telling Congress to Stop

    these insane bailouts!

    Your friends can go here to sign:

Again, I am so fed up with what is happening in Washington, D.C., that I am personally going to our nation’s capital to deliver petitions from outraged citizen-investors like you.

Thank you for signing the petition and for alerting your friends!

Good luck and God bless!


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Grassroots Action, Inc. (formerly is afor-profit Internet services company that builds custom conservative action networks for organizations seeking to expand their impact through the Internet.