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They Fast-Tracked Socialized Healthcare; We're Naming Names

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President Alliance

Late yesterday afternoon, the Senate passed the Obama budget with massive tax increases, a doubling of the national debt and fast-track provisions for socialized healthcare.

The vote was 53-43, which means we fell just four votes short of stopping it.

Yesterday, we identified the 12 key Democrats who had voiced opposition to fast-tracking. Several specifically signed a letter opposing use of this procedural trickery to pass the carbon tax and "Roll Call" magazine said many of these also opposed fast-tracking for healthcare.

In all, 9 of the 12 we identified voted in favor of fast-tracking socialized healthcare...

And we're naming names:

Senator Max Baucus 202-224-2651

Senator Mark Begich 202-224-3004

Senator Robert Casey 202-224-6324

Senator Daniel Inouye 202-224-3934

Senator Amy Klobuchar 202-224-3244

Senator Mary Landrieu 202-224-5824

Senator Carl Levin 202-224-6221

Senator Blanche Lincoln 202-224-4843

Senator Mark Pryor 202-224-2353

Please call these Senators and tell them you are outraged that their votes caused socialized healthcare to get put on the fast track.

In fact, I'm so outraged that I've instructed my staff to deliver your "Stop The Spending" petition -- along with over 210,000 other petitions -- NEXT WEEK to the Senate.

    So, after you make your calls, please forward this message

    to your friends and urge them to sign the petition so they

    can be included in the delivery as well:

We cannot allow two-faced politicians to push us further and further toward socialism without feeling any pushback from grassroots Americans.

That's why we're naming names... and delivering your petitions on Capitol Hill next week.

Thanks for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. If you haven't already joined ResistNet -- the social network for Grassfire team members opposing this push toward socialism -- please do so today!

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