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Emergency Petition Delivery to DHS

Steve Elliott

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

Late last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to American Legion Commander Dave Rehbein, about her office's intelligence report, saying it "was badly written and should never have been released."

Apparently her apology is supposed to filter down and appease the millions of "right-wing conservatives" she offended?

Her "apology" is one of a political coward-- void of respect for the American people who cherish our rights to protest and to speak freely against oppressive government intrusion.

Where is our apology? Where is the apology for Pro-Lifers? Where is the apology for conservatives?

Don't hold your breath--after all, we are the enemy.

If Napolitano is truly contrite, she needs to leave the comfort and security of her office, and publicly appeal to all of those she offended and apologize!

Step out from behind the spokespeople who are spinning and leaking a so-called private apology behind the closed doors of the DHS and appeal to us--the American people.

Anything short of that isn't good enough.

++ Emergency Petition Delivery Next Week!

 Napolitano's actions have certainly struck a raw nerve with conservatives. In less than one week, more than 50,000 citizens have signed our petition calling for her apology and ouster--with thousands more signing every day!

    Based on the heavy volume of signers, it's obvious that

    conservatives aren't willing to let this issue fade away.

    They want action--that's why I'm clearing my schedule

    to deliver petitions next week, on Tuesday.

    That said, for the rest of the week and into the weekend,

    I'm issuing a challenge to every member of our team who

    has signed our petition to help rally more signers!

Forward this message to 25-30 friends and family--urging them to review Napolitano's outrageous report and sign our petition by clicking here:

With your help, Patrick, I'd like to rally an additional 25,000 citizens over these next few days leading to the delivery!

President Obama and Napolitano would like nothing better than to have this issue fade away. We can't allow her attempt to criminalize our First Amendment rights to go unchallenged.

Help me make a strong statement on Tuesday by rallying your friends and family to take action with you by clicking here:

Thank you in advance for making this delivery such a success!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S: If you haven't already done so, increase your personal impact by scheduling personalized faxes to Napolitano and key DHS committee members simply by clicking here:

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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